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26 March

The UK’s three independent regulators of charities (Charity Commission for England and Wales, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator and Charity Commission for Northern Ireland) have issued an alert to... Read More


26 March

The National Cyber Security Centre (''NCSC'') has launched its first cyber security guidance specifically for the charity sector. The guidance follows the first ever threat assessment of the sector. The... Read More


26 March

A summit was held earlier this month by the Charity Commission where UK charities committed to strengthening their leadership, culture and capacity around safeguarding. The summit was made up of... Read More


26 March

Our Charities team here at Blake Morgan publishes e-bulletins to keep you up-to-date with breaking news and topical issues affecting the sector. We also offer regular charity trustee induction and... Read More


16 March

A recent case heard in the Court of Appeal Re G (a child) (2018), explored the importance of the role of grandparents in the life of a child. The Facts This case... Read More


15 March

Welcome to this month's edition of Private Client Issues, Blake Morgan's monthly round-up of the topics you may find of interest. Have you updated your will in the light of... Read More


13 March

"The transition away from LIBOR will take time, but will be less risky and less expensive if it is planned and orderly rather than unexpected and rushed." Andrew Bailey, Chief... Read More


13 March

Welcome to the first offering of BBB 2018 This edition covers an introduction to the new insolvency regime for the further education sector, an update on the fate of LIBOR... Read More


13 March

An Overview to Dual Instruction The Solicitors Regulatory Authority or SRA sets out the rules of conduct for solicitors and who they are allowed to act for and who they... Read More


13 March

The Supreme Court has overturned a High Court decision that allowed a property developer to claim €350,000 in damages for negligent misstatement after he relied on incorrect information from Jones... Read More


13 March

A bill of sale is used as a form of security over personal chattels as it creates a conditional transfer of those chattels as security for debt. The effect of... Read More


13 March

Charges over goods can be either fixed or floating.  It is the substance of the charge, rather than how it is labelled, that will determine in which camp it sits. ... Read More