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27 June

The CIPD Good Work Index is an annual benchmark of good work or job quality in the UK. It measures a wide range of aspects of job quality including job... Read More


25 June

The question of whether Royal Wills should remain sealed or be made public has long been a topic of debate in the United Kingdom. In contrast to the standard legal... Read More


25 June

With the general election fast approaching and a constant stream of proposed policy announcements being made by all major parties it can be difficult to cut through the noise and... Read More


24 June

To prevent abuse, there is a limit on the use of successive fixed-term contracts. Where they are used for four years or more, the employee will become a permanent employee... Read More


21 June

Following a formal public consultation, the Welsh Government has laid the Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill (“the Bill”) before the Senedd Cymru for scrutiny. We outline a summary of... Read More


What are the social value opportunities under the Procurement Act 2023? We are running a series of webinars on the changes in procurement and in this webinar on Thursday 3... Read More


20 June

What are the issues around redeployment? In Bugden v The Royal Mail Group Limited [2024] EAT 80 the Employment Appeal Tribunal ruled that the Employment Tribunal had erred in law... Read More


Make sure that you are ready for the procurement changes with our series of webinars. In this webinar on Thursday 12 September, we looked at exclusion and debarment in the... Read More


14 June

In an interesting decision about disclosure of documents, the EAT upheld the Employment Tribunal's decision that the Respondent should disclose unredacted copies of internal management documents on the grounds that... Read More


We were delighted to host a virtual webinar that focused on inquiries and investigations on Wednesday 11 September 2024. Read More


12 June

With ‘commerciality’ often cited by the board as a critical requirement for its legal team, it is essential as a General Counsel (GC) to balance commercial vs. legal decision making... Read More


12 June

We previously considered how the High Court in Avanti adopted a more nuanced approach to determining whether charges were fixed or floating (click here to read). In the recent case of... Read More