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25 February

Unfortunately, economic shocks generally lead to a wave of businesses needing to restructure their debts in order to continue trading as a going concern and avoid insolvency. By way of... Read More


24 February

Yes! A case has highlighted again that fraudulent divorce is possible, but confirmed that any decrees obtained in this way are capable of being set aside. If the perpetrator has... Read More


23 February

Kids Company is a case that the charities sector has been watching with great interest for a number of years now since its prominent collapse in 2015, and this has... Read More

case studies

22 February

The High Court has overturned findings made by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal that a solicitor's conduct was dishonest and lacking integrity. Read More


21 February

There are six main grounds on which to challenge the validity of a Will. In this blog we focus on testamentary capacity. Read More


17 February

The UK Government has announced a cap on the cost leaseholders face to fix dangerous cladding issues. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. For those suffering from... Read More


16 February

With many employers aspiring to improve the diversity of its workforce, it is important that this is achieved within the law. Positive discrimination is generally prohibited, however, there are exceptions... Read More


16 February

The Office for Students (OfS) is the independent regulator for higher education in England. The aim of the OfS is to ensure that every student, whatever their background, has a... Read More


11 February

The UK Sanctions Regime is looking set to 'come in from the cold'. Sanctions are no longer a minority interest for niche blue chips and complex multinationals - and all... Read More


11 February

The last 20 years has seen an increasing focus by employers on employees' "wellbeing". There is widespread recognition of the relevance of employees' wellbeing to the workplace, the problems that... Read More


10 February

Welcome to this month’s edition of Private Client Issues, Blake Morgan’s monthly round-up of the topics you may find of interest. It features insight and advice on developments affecting private... Read More


10 February

A key consideration in any acquisition is the value of the intellectual property (IP) forming part of the purchase. Quite often IP (providing that it is properly protected and commercialised)... Read More