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18 June

The deadline to file a comparable UK trade mark application based on an EU Trade Marks (EUTMs) registration is now approaching. Unlike the owners of registered EUTMs, holders of EUTM... Read More

case studies

16 June

A word of warning if you are an accountant thinking of appealing to the ICAEW's Appeal Committee. In a recent case a member ended up facing increased penalties and a... Read More


In the second in our NED Connect interactive series on 1 July we heard from Tamsin Napier-Munn, founder of RAWtalks, influencer, speaker, manager and host of The Women in Business... Read More


14 June

Unless you were sleeping in a cocoon you can't have missed the media storm surrounding the recent battle of the caterpillar cakes: Colin v Cuthbert: Marks and Spencer v Aldi:... Read More


14 June

The charity sector has welcomed the changes to charity law announced in the Queen's Speech last month, which introduced the Charities Bill. These changes, once effected, will not change the... Read More


14 June

Zoë Roth, better known by the internet as "Disaster Girl", has sold the original copy of her meme as an NFT (non-fungible token) for $500,000. This poses the question of... Read More

case studies

14 June

Evidence provided during a disciplinary committee hearing could pave the way for potential ACCA reinstatement to the Student Register. We look at the details of the case here. Read More

case studies

11 June

Our experts take a look at a High Court case where it was held that a junior lender was prevented from challenging the scope of a senior lender's security under... Read More


10 June

The FCA is placing increasing focus on arrangements where a firm has some responsibility for a third party's actions. These types of arrangements take various forms (some key examples are... Read More


10 June

Under the Bank Resolution and Recovery Directive (EU Directive 2014/59) (BRRD), where an EEA regulated institution enters into a financial contract governed by the law of a non EEA state,... Read More


10 June

Welcome to this month’s edition of Private Client Issues, Blake Morgan’s monthly round-up of the topics you may find of interest. It features insight and advice on developments affecting private... Read More


9 June

In this article published in People Management, Senior Solicitor in the Employment team Helena Rosenstein explores how to handle holiday requests where leave may be carried over into the next... Read More