Search Results

  • High Profile Defamation Cases in 2020
    The year 2020 saw a number of high profile defamation cases (or scandals!) feature prominently in the UK press. We take a look at the two of the most prominent...
  • How to write a contract
    If you are drafting a contract, there are crucial things to bear in mind. We look at what you should include in order to avoid conflict and help your business...
  • Health Sector News – March 2021
    This month in our Healthcare news update, we look at the recent case where the Court of Protection has ruled that a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) can administer a COVID-19...
  • Modern methods of construction
    Last week (17 March) saw the latest instalment in Blake Morgan's Public Sector Network series, chaired by Construction team Partner Joanna Rees. The focus of the webinar was the use...