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  • April 2023: Key dates for employers
    April is the usual month for increases in a wide range of statutory rates and limits. This year is no exception but we also have the controversial abolition of the...
  • Employment Handy Fact Card 2023/24
    The Employment Law Handy Fact Card 2023/24 from Blake Morgan Read our brand new handy card today. All the latest Employment Law facts and figures in one convenient place.
  • IP and business basics – PAST EVENT
    Intellectual property (IP) and business basics: getting your house in order and understanding your IP rights prior to funding. Blake Morgan and Southampton Science Park ran a breakfast session on...
  • Mental wellbeing support for employees
    A priority for organisations should be mental wellbeing support for employees as multiple studies reveal a deterioration in mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic. In addition, recent reports are...
  • Tips for managing sickness absence
    Managing sickness absence is crucial for organisations. According to the most recent Office for National Statistics (ONS) report, sickness absence rates in the UK are the highest they’ve been since...