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29 March

In the 'unfavourable treatment' case of McQueen v The General Optical Council the EAT recently upheld an Employment Tribunal's decision that an employee's poor and inappropriate conduct and short temper... Read More


Intellectual property (IP) and business basics: getting your house in order and understanding your IP rights prior to funding. Blake Morgan and Southampton Science Park ran a breakfast session on... Read More


28 March

A priority for organisations should be mental wellbeing support for employees as multiple studies reveal a deterioration in mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic. In addition, recent reports are... Read More


28 March

Managing sickness absence is crucial for organisations. According to the most recent Office for National Statistics (ONS) report, sickness absence rates in the UK are the highest they’ve been since... Read More


17 March

Key emerging real estate trends and a market update were on the agenda for a Counsel+ Real Estate roundtable event on 9 March. Partner George Panteli and Legal Director Angela... Read More


17 March

The recent Government announcement that menopause would not become a new "protected characteristic" under the Equality Act 2010 was disappointing for those who had campaigned for change. The Government's view... Read More


17 March

The Government's Spring budget delivered on Wednesday 15 March 2023 included an announcement which may result in significant changes in the risk and reward industry relating to the provision of... Read More


17 March

Blake Morgan has prepared this note to support businesses impacted by the failure and rescue of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) by HSBC UK. Read More


15 March

As part of Blake Morgan's Counsel+ forum, In-house Insights is a series of interviews which will delve into the working lives of in-house lawyers. Blake Morgan is proud to have... Read More


15 March

Ensure that you are up-to-date with the latest residential letting guidance from the Government. Read More


14 March

When you make a Will, Trust, or Power of Attorney, one of the first things you’ll need to do is appoint an Executor, a Trustee, or an Attorney. Get this... Read More


13 March

When it comes to debt recovery, local authorities will need to ensure that a debtor or debtor company has been correctly served in order to comply with the Civil Procedure... Read More