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3 May

After someone has died, it will be necessary for their estate to be administered. If the deceased has made a Will, it should state who they want to deal with... Read More


28 April

Paula Shea looks at advance care planning, the various options and how to prepare for life-threatening or life-sustaining situations. Read More


28 April

A "gagging order" is a term used to describe contractual confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations, usually in relation to specific allegations or events. Read More


27 April

The implementation timetable for the Charities Act 2022 was published earlier this month. Read More


26 April

Episode 2 of The Split – Hannah and Nathan Stern have reached a financial agreement within their divorce, and both of them have signed. Hannah later tears up the signed... Read More


21 April

In a recent case in the Court of Appeal (K v K [2022] CA Civ 468) the importance of parties attending a mediation information and assessment meeting (MIAM) was stressed.... Read More


20 April

If you are looking to apply for divorce online, there are certain issues you need to consider. The recent reforms under the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 introduced 'no... Read More


14 April

A recent judgment from the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) has provided a useful reminder of the limitations of the honest concurrent use defence as well as highlighting the importance... Read More


11 April

A recent judgment of the High Court considered the distinctiveness of word marks involving the WONDER WOMAN comic book character. The case was an appeal of a UKIPO decision involving... Read More

case studies

8 April

The High Court has delivered an important judgment on the imposition of interim orders. Read More


7 April

The Good Law Project has been prolific in reviewing a lot of the decisions taken by government during the pandemic and has had a number of successes with judicial review... Read More


7 April

Welcome to this month’s edition of Private Client Issues, Blake Morgan’s monthly round-up of the topics you may find of interest. It features insight and advice on developments affecting private... Read More