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23 October

A warm welcome to Blake Morgan's Autumn newsletter, keeping you informed of the latest developments in Employment, Pensions and Immigration Law. It has been another eventful few months, dominated by... Read More


23 October

The Government anticipates that the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency ("MHRA") will make use of its powers under reg.174 of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 ("HMRs"), and temporarily authorise... Read More


23 October

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency ("MHRA") has the power under reg.174 of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 ("HMRs"), to temporarily authorise use of an unlicensed vaccine in response... Read More


23 October

The UK Government has set out proposed changes to the way in which medicines in the UK are authorised for use in a recent consultation paper, specifically referencing COVID-19 vaccines. Read More


23 October

With a lot of people trying to banish weight-gain from a prolonged period of time spent at home, it is a good time for manufacturers and retailers of health foods... Read More


23 October

A vote is taking place in the European Parliament this week (week commencing 19 Oct) on the regulation establishing a Common Organisation of the Markets (CMOs) in agricultural products (2018/0218... Read More


21 October

With so much uncertainty around the likelihood and possible content of the UK-EU trade negotiations, and the economic impact of the pandemic, it's understandable that preparing data protection strategies might... Read More


21 October

In the latest battle between women born in the 1950s and the Government, about the state pension age, the women were unsuccessful at the Court of Appeal. It upheld the... Read More


21 October

Update: On 25 February 2021, the Restriction of Public Sector Exit Payments (Revocation) Regulations 2021 (Revocation Regulations) were laid before Parliament. Read More


21 October

Our experts answer questions questions regarding cladding replacement under the Building Safety Fund. Read More


20 October

Practice and procedure in the Employment Tribunals differs from that in the civil courts. It is governed by its own set of rules, principally: The Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules... Read More


20 October

Together with Tilney, Blake Morgan discussed a smarter way to pass on your wealth and planning for the future during a webinar on 8 October 2020. Read More