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18 December

A recent case has reiterated that remote technology cannot be used for community treatment orders (CTOs), renewals of detention and guardianship orders. Read More


15 December

With the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research (CTER) entering its establishment period before becoming fully operational in April 2024, we take a look at its key features and what... Read More


13 December

This article covers the implications of the recent High Court decision in the case of TZA v A Secondary School, and the applicability of the Public Sector Equality Duty. Read More


13 December

A recent report from the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners: “Wills and Trusts: Buyer Beware (08.12.23)”, highlighted research concerning the preparation of Wills by unqualified or incompetent advisors in... Read More


11 December

The Department of Health and Social Care is to lead a review into the effectiveness of the statutory duty of candour for health service bodies in England. Read More


11 December

A new report published by the Beyond Ofsted Inquiry has deemed Ofsted as not fit for purpose and as having a detrimental impact on schools, which some perceive as toxic. Read More


Read highlights from our activities that support our communities in the Chair End of Year Report. Welcome to the Chair’s annual report, which aims to share some highlights of the... Read More


7 December

Welcome to this month’s edition of Private Client Issues, Blake Morgan’s monthly round-up of the topics you may find of interest. It features insight and advice on developments affecting private... Read More


6 December

Public procurement thresholds are being updated, we look at the impact of this on value of Central Government, and Sub-Central Government, contracts. Read More


5 December

To help schools to understand the formalities and technical issues that need to be taken into account when a pupil is permanently excluded from a maintained school in Wales, we... Read More


5 December

The Cabinet Office has released a new Public Procurement Note 10/23 (PPN 10/23) – taking account of a bidder’s approach to payment in the procurement of major contracts. Read More


1 December

We examine whether non-professional executors – whose role can often be challenging and time-consuming – are allowed to reimburse themselves and/or make a charge for their work in administering an... Read More