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5 October

…Or at least, it can be when it comes to probate matters – especially on the first death of a couple in a civil partnership or marriage. Earlier in 2018,... Read More


5 October

Recent statistics suggest that as many as 60% of UK adults do not have a Will*. Common reasons given include concern over drafting costs and simple procrastination. Could the internet... Read More


4 October

Welcome to this month's edition of Private Client Issues, Blake Morgan's monthly round-up of the topics you may find of interest. Insight and advice on developments affecting private individuals. Selecting... Read More


4 October

No cap on holiday entitlement is increasingly a perk being offered by employers, including Netflix and Virgin. Is giving employees the freedom to decide how much holiday they need every... Read More


3 October

Clearbank, Monzo, Revolut, Starling and Tandem; if you haven't heard of these, you soon will as they represent 5 of the most successful digital challenger banks of 2018, all of... Read More


3 October

In a recent unreported case in the County Court at Central London (Sajid v Nuur, 30 July 2018), a claimant (landlord) had brought a claim against a defendant (a former... Read More


1 October

On 1 October 2018, the Town and Country Planning (Pre-commencement Conditions) Regulations 2018 (the 2018 Regulations) came into force. The 2018 Regulations apply to pre-commencement conditions imposed on any planning... Read More


24 September

As members of Resolution, our Family team strive to reduce conflict as far as possible in all cases that are dealt with. This is often made challenging by the current law... Read More


24 September

On 13 September the Government published a new section in its Planning Practice Guidance (Guidance) on Build to Rent in order to simplify its treatment within the planning system and... Read More


20 September

The House of Commons Treasury Committee has just published its Report on Digital Currencies – or as it now prefers to call them "crypto-assets" as they are not really currencies... Read More


20 September

The Information Commissioner's Office has today (20 September) issued a monetary penalty notice to credit reference agency Equifax Limited for serious breaches of data protection law. The £500,000 penalty represents the... Read More


20 September

The Insolvency team in Thames Valley have had a recent success with the recovery of a six-figure sum in relation to a fraudulent transfer of funds. In this success Partner... Read More