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13 March

The Supreme Court has overturned a High Court decision that allowed a property developer to claim €350,000 in damages for negligent misstatement after he relied on incorrect information from Jones... Read More


13 March

A bill of sale is used as a form of security over personal chattels as it creates a conditional transfer of those chattels as security for debt. The effect of... Read More


13 March

Charges over goods can be either fixed or floating.  It is the substance of the charge, rather than how it is labelled, that will determine in which camp it sits. ... Read More


13 March

The Technical and Further Education Act 2017 (“2017 Act”) introduced a new statutory insolvency regime for further education and sixth form colleges ("FE bodies") proposing similar arrangements to those implemented... Read More


12 March

Dishonesty and Integrity – a summary post Wingate 2017 and early 2018 has seen a large number of appeals going through the courts from decisions of regulators in different sectors... Read More


5 March

Surrogacy is increasingly becoming an option for starting a family for people who are unable to conceive a child themselves, but what should parties to a surrogacy arrangement be aware... Read More


5 March

The High Court has recently handed down judgment in a case that required it to consider whether directors of a company, who did not have an employment contract, service contract,... Read More


23 February

Ordinarily, when a couple decides to divorce, there is a dialogue between them as to this and matters surrounding the divorce. However, it can sometimes be the case that a... Read More


23 February

We have been active in advising a number of clients with issues, concerns and claims relating to cladding issues. The following is the summation of a series of talks we... Read More


13 February

The recent ITV documentary series “Transformation Street” which followed men and women as they transitioned from one gender to the other, made me think about how this might affect a... Read More


9 February

It has been, as always now seems to be the case, a busy few weeks with the GMC seemingly required to set up camp in the higher Courts. The BMA challenged them... Read More


8 February

Claims that a Will is invalid because a person did not have the ability, or testamentary capacity, to make it are now familiar.  However the test of capacity varies depending... Read More