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14 August

Regulatory practitioners will be aware of the need to consider carefully whether individually or cumulatively particulars of an allegation can properly be said to reach the threshold for a finding... Read More


14 August

An appeal against a striking off order by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal on the ground (amongst others) that dishonesty had been found by the Tribunal but had not been adequately... Read More


14 August

It is not often I would be excited by an Act or a new law. It is part and parcel of a lawyer's job to keep up with changes in... Read More


14 August

An appeal was made against a decision of the Conduct and Competence Committee of the Nursing and Midwifery Council which found that the Appellant's fitness to practise was impaired and... Read More


4 August

On 13 July 2015, we finally learnt of the court's decision in the battle between Sainsbury's and Bristol Rovers concerning the Bristol Rovers Memorial Stadium (Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd v Bristol Rovers... Read More


22 July

Minimise the risk for challenge by following the below tips as far as possible: Try to hold any de-brief after the standstill period has expired (or longer if possible). The... Read More


17 July

Those familiar with negligence will know that in order to establish liability one must show that there has been a breach of a duty, or, a failure by a party... Read More


16 July

On 29 June 2015, following a recent meeting between the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission, the European Council confirmed that information society services would be “treated... Read More


14 July

Good news for employers in a decision which limits the amount of holiday which can be carried over for employees on long-term sick leave. How far back can a worker... Read More


8 July

Previously, for an individual to bring a claim for distress under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), the individual must have also suffered financial loss. This has meant many individuals... Read More


30 June

The High Court  (slightly) demystifies one of the many vague provisions of the Consumer Credit Act (CCA) in Barclays Bank plc v L. Londell McMillan [2015] EWHC 1596 (Comm) (the Case).  In... Read More


26 June

The parties to a modern lease of business premises will have negotiated their respective repairing obligations from the outset, and so the obligations on the landlord to repair the premises,... Read More