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6 September

In estate planning, we often come across the big question of when and how someone who is getting on in years should move from the family home to somewhere smaller.... Read More


5 September

This article explores practical issues arising from the UK and a local authority in Wales ordering a number of schools and colleges to close. Read More


5 September

The welfare of employees continues to be at the forefront of responsible leadership. However, a recent survey has revealed the worrying extent of pregnancy and maternity discrimination in the workplace.... Read More


4 September

Here at Blake Morgan we are supporting 'Remember a Charity Week' along with over 800 other solicitors and will writers around the UK. We consider leaving a gift to charity... Read More


31 August

It has now been a year since as a result of the Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022 ("ECA") the new Register of Overseas Entities ("ROE") was launched at... Read More


31 August

This article explores the court's ability to assess the legality and fairness of bodies that exercise public functions through a process known as judicial review. Read More


31 August

When can a co-insured party actually rely on the Co-Insurance Defence to escape liability from a subrogated claim? The law on co-insurance and the complex nature of subrogation in the... Read More


23 August

As many of us may know already, local authorities that run their own leisure facilities have, since March 2023, had some very good news from Government, confirming that leisure services... Read More


23 August

Stamp duty land tax (SDLT) for property developers varies, depending on whether the property counts as residential or as non-residential. Different rates of SDLT apply accordingly, and significant amounts of... Read More


22 August

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) fines have been issued to two companies under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 after hospital staff were subjected to violent attacks. Read More


22 August

Once you have a Will in place it is important to keep it under review. Circumstances can change over the years, in particular events like births, deaths, marriages and divorce... Read More


17 August

Professor Richard Jones, Consultant, considers the case of Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v JS and Manchester City Council [2023] EWCOP 12 and recent appeal at [2023] EWCOP 33,... Read More