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6 March

…You are not alone. Part of the problem could be in the name Child Inclusive Mediation. Generally speaking, the children are not included in the mediation sessions with their parents but... Read More


1 March

Dependent on your personal circumstances, it is generally advisable to review your Will every 3-5 years or after a significant life event (such as a death, marriage, divorce etc) or... Read More


1 March

The deadline for businesses to benefit from super deduction capital allowance and special rate first year allowance is fast approaching. On 31 March 2023, the 130% super deduction capital allowance and... Read More


28 February

The Guardian recently published an article highlighting the significant decline in marriage rates using data from the 2021 census. The decline was most notable amongst people aged 25 to 35, with... Read More


27 February

OfS explores whether higher education staff should be required to report romantic relationships with students. Read More


23 February

For the last few years, employment lawyers have been expectantly awaiting a new "Employment Bill", which would implement significant reforms promised by the Government. As time passed, expectations waned but ... Read More


Our Public Sector Insights event on Thursday 23 March 2023, specifically for those in the public and third sector, looked at important landlord and tenant issues. Read More


20 February

Over 18 months after consulting on proposals for the reform of healthcare professional regulation, the Government has now published its consultation response and plans for next steps. Read More


13 February

The intention is for pensions dashboards to provide pension savers with clear and simple information about their multiple pension savings, including their State Pension, in one secure digital space, 24/7. Read More


9 February

Welcome to this month’s edition of Private Client Issues, Blake Morgan’s monthly round-up of the topics you may find of interest. It features insight and advice on developments affecting private... Read More


8 February

There is no let-up in the pace of employment law developments. Take a moment to consider our Winter newsletter, where we provide an update on the recently published consultation paper... Read More


8 February

All public inquiries will require documentation and evidence from those who are likely to hold relevant material. There are two main ways that a statutory inquiry can request disclosure from... Read More