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We hosted a Public Sector Network seminar on Wednesday 8 December 2021, which focused on information governance, specifically for those in the public and third sector. Read More


18 November

Blake Morgan Legal Director Gillian McCue analyses the Teachers' Pension Scheme in an article first published by LexisNexis on 16 November 2021. Read More

case studies

18 November

We look at the recent Court of Appeal decision to award a success fee uplift in Hirachand and consider how this might impact Inheritance Act claims in the future. Read More


17 November

Is a pre death contract to leave property by Will enforceable in the face of an Inheritance Act claim? Sismey v Salandron [2021] 10 WLUK 372 is the first judicial... Read More


17 November

A new Bill has been introduced with a Code of Practice and mandatory arbitration procedure designed to help tackle coronavirus commercial rent arrears disputes. However, there will still be issues... Read More


17 November

When Child Inclusive Mediation started being mentioned about five years ago, many people, myself included, had visions of a version of the direct child consultations that used to happen at... Read More

case studies

16 November

The UK Supreme Court has confirmed, in the recent important decision of FS Cairo (Nile Plaza) LLC v Brownlie [2021] EWCA Civ 996 ("Brownlie 2"), that it will take an... Read More


12 November

Earlier this week, the Environment Bill 2021 received royal assent and is now the Environment Act 2021. This represents a significant milestone in environmental statutory change following Brexit and an... Read More


12 November

EMI (Enterprise Management Incentive) share options are a type of employee share incentive scheme that have advantageous tax implications for both the company granting the options and the employees receiving... Read More


12 November

The Welsh Government has announced its proposal radically to reform tertiary education in Wales, including the regulation of universities and colleges in Wales. Some elements of the organisation of tertiary... Read More


12 November

When can a non-occupying beneficial owner of a domestic property claim compensation from the occupying party? Read More


11 November

What does the new Health and Social Care Levy Act mean for the UK and who will it support? Our health and social care experts take a look. Read More