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28 April

In employment restrictive covenant cases, the claimant, the former employer, will often seek to bring a claim against the former employee's new employer for inducing a breach of contract. In... Read More


27 April

Public bodies should pay close attention to the Procurement Policy Note (PPN 02/20) that has been released by the Government or risk suppliers bringing legal action against them. On 20... Read More


27 April

We hope that you and all of those close to you are safe and well in these difficult times we find ourselves in. We know that many charity leaders, whether... Read More


27 April

A recent tribunal case on the stamp duty land tax treatment of a transfer in return for an annuity deals with market value rules which apply both for the transfer... Read More


27 April

Employment partner Paula Kathrens looks at how businesses can be supported during the coronavirus pandemic in an article first published in Insider Media on 6 April. She considers how businesses... Read More


27 April

We look at an injury to feelings compensation award that was first published in Personnel Today on 7 April. Ms Giwa-Amu, who worked for the Department for Work and Pensions,... Read More


24 April

On Thursday evening the Government announced further measures to limit the ability of landlords to take action against commercial tenants for non-payment of rent. These new measures supplement provisions introduced... Read More


24 April

First things first - talk to your lender You may already have heard from your lender setting out the kinds of things they can help with. Many have already announced... Read More


On Wednesday 29 April, Blake Morgan hosted a webinar on the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS). Read More


23 April

Coronavirus has already damaged large swathes of businesses across the world. We recommend that all businesses should review their current financing arrangements. This is to ensure that businesses are ready to... Read More


23 April

Material Adverse Effect ("MAE") clauses are almost always included in loan agreements. Their purpose is to act as a "sweeper" to allow the lender to take action when the lender... Read More


22 April

The containment measures imposed by the Government have had a significant adverse impact on many businesses in the UK. Supply chains are impacted; there are material labour constraints; planned events... Read More