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28 May

Starting from the day of the Budget on 22 November 2017 relief from Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) has been available for qualifying first time buyers paying up to £500,000... Read More


24 May

In January of this year, it seemed as though the world of probate was going to transition seamlessly into a new digital age. However, not everything has gone to plan.... Read More


22 May

Dementia Action Week has arrived and to mark the occasion I decided to become a Dementia Friend. This is an Alzheimer's Society initiative which simply involves signing up online to... Read More


22 May

Today the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) formally adopted its recommendation on AI – the first intergovernmental standard on this area. The OECD represents most major industrialised nations,... Read More


20 May

We look at a case where a certified copy Will has been admitted to probate, despite dispute over whether the original will had been revoked. In the case of Blyth... Read More


20 May

Blake Morgan is proud to support Dementia Awareness Week (20-26 May 2019). It's not unusual to become more forgetful as we get older, but dementia is a more serious and... Read More


20 May

This article first appeared in HR Magazine on 17 May 2019. There are many recent, high profile examples of public figures in hot water with their employers over comments made... Read More


20 May

Data may be the oil of the digital economy but its legal protection is fragmentary and complex.  First it's generally understood there is no such thing as "property" in information... Read More


16 May

The story of litigation funding has had many twists and turns and, whilst the majority of the new law in this area has supported third party funding as a risk... Read More


16 May

It's hard to believe that we're almost one year on from the biggest shake up of data protection laws for a generation.  Much of the publicity – and the panic... Read More


15 May

As the requirements of lenders in terms of what constituted an acceptable leasehold title are becoming stricter and stricter, more and more leases which were absolutely compliant only a few... Read More


15 May

A recent Court of Appeal decision on inheritance disputes gives useful guidance for parties wishing to appeal a decision of a lower court regarding probate. The underlying dispute in McDonald... Read More