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19 July

When dealing with disciplinary matters, it is always important to bear in mind the principles of fairness and reasonableness. Failure to follow a fair procedure could result in a finding... Read More


7 July

The mandatory ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) early conciliation scheme was introduced back in April 2014. New research recently published by ACAS suggests that seven out of ten claimants... Read More


7 July

Following the vote to leave the EU, there has been considerable speculation as to which EU laws will continue to apply once the UK has actually left the EU. This... Read More


25 May

In what is being hailed as a legal first, a restaurant owner in North Yorkshire has been found guilty of Gross Negligence Manslaughter, after a jury agreed that Mohamed Zaman... Read More


28 April

The Internal Revenue Service in the USA has recently brought a successful action against a business owner who gifted his business interest to his children in the 1970s but never... Read More


26 April

This article was first published in People Management in April 2016. Employers will often include post-termination restrictions in their contracts of employment and typically these can prevent employees from misusing... Read More


24 March

Winston Churchill declared that, "We shall fight on the beaches" - not 'must' or 'will' – but 'shall'. 'Shall', 'must' and 'will' are all modal verbs (verbs used to express... Read More


17 March

Since the inception of the academy conversion programme, our Schools team has developed an established practice and reputation for assisting schools through the academy conversion process from start to finish.... Read More


17 March

Education is one of Blake Morgan's core areas of focus and our specialist lawyers provide a comprehensive range of legal services and support to education providers and individuals. Our team provides... Read More


17 March

Yesterday at the Budget draft legislation was produced finalising the structure of the 3% SDLT surcharge. As expected, the higher SDLT rates will not apply to a single purchaser where... Read More


17 March

As promised by the Chancellor, the stamp duty land tax 3% surcharge on "additional" residential properties acquired will come into force on April 1 2016, but disappointingly residential developers have... Read More


16 March

Following today's Budget, and from midnight tonight, purchasers of non-residential property will be subject to a revised structure of Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT). In line with the changes made... Read More