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19 April

On 27 March 2023, the TUC and Long Covid Support Employment Group (LCSEG) published the results of their survey Workers' Experience of Long Covid. More than 3,000 people with the... Read More


18 April

Earlier this month, the UK Government announced it would be delaying the long-awaited implementation of the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) set out in the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 (the... Read More


18 April

We look at a recent appeal case involving the General Medical Council (GMC), which highlights key considerations for regulators when pursuing allegations of social media misconduct in respect of registered... Read More


14 April

The Government has announced it will delay the implementation of Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS). In this article, Blake Morgan will look at why this delay has come about and what... Read More


6 April

For first time or seasoned franchisees, securing funding can often be essential to commence the operation of, or expand, a franchise business. Before awarding funding, lenders will understandably carry out... Read More


6 April

Welcome to this month’s edition of Private Client Issues, Blake Morgan’s monthly round-up of the topics you may find of interest. It features insight and advice on developments affecting private... Read More


4 April

April is the usual month for increases in a wide range of statutory rates and limits. This year is no exception but we also have the controversial abolition of the... Read More


3 April

As from 1st April contracting authorities will be required to use an updated Standard Selection Questionnaire (SSQ) for any tenders issued after that date. Procurement Policy Note 03/23 (New PPN)... Read More


The Employment Law Handy Fact Card 2023/24 from Blake Morgan Read our brand new handy card today. All the latest Employment Law facts and figures in one convenient place. Read More


29 March

With significant inflation, impending recession and a cost of living crisis, large swathes of the Great British workforce have sadly seen no alternative than turn to strike action to achieve... Read More


29 March

In the 'unfavourable treatment' case of McQueen v The General Optical Council the EAT recently upheld an Employment Tribunal's decision that an employee's poor and inappropriate conduct and short temper... Read More


Intellectual property (IP) and business basics: getting your house in order and understanding your IP rights prior to funding. Blake Morgan and Southampton Science Park ran a breakfast session on... Read More