Increasing diversity in the workplace – practical ideas and legal considerations

16th February 2022

With many employers aspiring to improve the diversity of its workforce, it is important that this is achieved within the law. Positive discrimination is generally prohibited, however, there are exceptions under the Equality Act 2010, for example, during recruitment and promotion exercises to encourage and train people from under-represented groups if candidates are of equal merit.

Employers should use strategic workforce planning to understand the diversity and skills profile of their workforce. This will assist in assessing whether they are equipped to meet the organisation’s future skills and labour requirements. Following from this, investment can then be made in updating the recruitment process, retaining staff, developing staff, introducing supportive policies and workforce training.

There needs to be a commitment at board level on changing the approach to recruiting  within specific target groups while taking care not to exclude other groups which could result in a potential discrimination claim. Advertising and recruitment play a significant role in diversifying the workforce.

This article looking at how to increase diversity in the workplace first appeared in People Management on 11 February 2022.

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