Large compensation for injury to feelings

27th April 2020

We look at an injury to feelings compensation award that was first published in Personnel Today on 7 April.

Ms Giwa-Amu, who worked for the Department for Work and Pensions, was recently awarded injury to feelings compensation of £42,809, very close to the top end of the highest Vento band award, which is reserved for the most serious cases, such as where there has been a lengthy campaign of harassment.

Awards for injury to feelings made by employment tribunals are intended to provide compensation unrelated to financial loss; for the degree of hurt, humiliation or distress an employee may have suffered as a result of discriminatory conduct.

This case should act as a warning to employers that tribunals are willing to utilise the upper Vento band in serious cases where there has been a significant and ongoing impact on the employee, such as with Ms Giwa-Amu, who was still suffering from stress and anxiety nearly two and a half years later.

Read the article in full here.

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