Tina Whitman

Legal Director
Contact details

07990 011 148

029 2068 6134

Tina has the ability to navigate difficult issues delicately but confidently to bring out the best result.

Legal 500, 2023

Tina specialises in working with the public and regulatory sector, providing advice on a range of issues, including judicial review, appeals, regulatory advice, civil and Court of Protection litigation.

Main areas of practice

Tina’s primary areas of expertise are:

  • High Court and Court of Appeal challenges
  • Judicial reviews
  • Personal injury and clinical negligence claims
  • Court of Protection
  • Powers and duties of regulators, health bodies and local authorities within the health and social spheres.


Tina’s clients include:

  • National and local government
  • Local and national NHS bodies
  • Private health and care providers
  • National regulators



Tina joined Blake Morgan’s predecessor firm, Morgan Cole, as a trainee solicitor in 2000, qualifying in 2002.

Contact details

07990 011 148

029 2068 6134


Significant Experience

  • Success in the Court of Appeal, obtaining a judgment on the court's discretion to allow appeals out of time, which has wide application to professional regulators.
  • Seven month secondment to a national regulator to work as an integral part of the client team tasked with implementing a significant change in legislation.
  • Obtaining judgment in the Court of Appeal in a high value personal injury case preventing the extension of the duty of care placed on landowners and highways authorities to maintain land adjacent to the highway.
  • Urgent application to the High Court under its Court of Protection jurisdiction on behalf of the NHS for a best interests' decision relating to force feeding.
  • Successful defence to trial of a clinical negligence claim against a GP relating to a missed diagnosis of meningitis.

Additional Expertise

Representation of the NHS, national government and private health and care providers at inquests and any subsequent civil claims.

Insights by Tina


21 June - Tina Whitman

Following a formal public consultation, the Welsh Government has laid the Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill (“the Bill”) before the Senedd Cymru for scrutiny. We outline a summary of...

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16 June - Tina Whitman

When lodging a statutory appeal, you need to be aware of the time limits and when extensions may apply. Following our article on 14 December 2022 on the Court of...

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28 April - Tina Whitman

A purposive approach to interim orders was used in Kuzmin v General Medical Council (GMC). What is the benefit of this approach? This is a method used by judges to...

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