Blake Morgan and Young Lives vs Cancer partnership blossoming

Posted on 3rd February 2023

Blake Morgan’s Cardiff office has so far raised an incredible £7,340 for Young Lives vs Cancer.

This is available in both English and Welsh language versions below.

The cancer charity was only chosen as the leading law firm’s Cardiff office charity in May 2022 but thanks to a lot of activity and generous donations, significant funds have been raised.

The partnership is for two years so the hope is that Blake Morgan can continue to raise awareness and funds for the vital work that is undertaken by Young Lives vs Cancer, in supporting children and young people with cancer and their families.

From a book and bake sale, pumpkin carving competition and Christmas quiz to sky diving, marathons, half marathons and an ironman race – there has been plenty to support. The Charity Committee have also organised a number of other fundraising activities that include a cutest pet competition, sports sweepstakes and a partner auction, where the lucky winner who received the most donations, James Williams, wore a fancy-dress suit. The firm also took part in Young Lives vs Cancer’s virtual Christmas event to ‘Race to the North Pole’.

Cardiff Charity Committee Co-Chair Rhian Davies said:

I would like to thank all the wonderful people who have got behind our partnership with Young Lives vs Cancer – everyone who has been involved in organising events, taking part in the events and the incredibly generous donations we have received. They are such a lovely charity who do such important work and we are proud to support them.

She added: “Simon McCann completed the Brenin Enlli Marathon, Adam Carbis the Ironman Wales Triathlon and Steve Parish the Cardiff Half Marathon – all fantastic efforts and Katie Greenaway even jumped out of a plane!”

Upcoming events include a Welsh produce raffle to celebrate St David’s Day and a 21 mile walk along Penrhys Pilgrimage Way up the Rhondda Valley.

To support Blake Morgan LLP’s fundraising effort, go to the Just Giving page.

For more information about Young Lives vs Cancer’s work, visit

The Charity Committee for the Cardiff office is co-chaired by Rhian Davies, Katie Greenaway and Zoe Groves and the Charity partner is Paul Duggan.

A selection of the fundraising activities that the Cardiff office have taken part in recently.

A selection of the fundraising activities that the Cardiff office have taken part in recently.


Hyd yn hyn, mae swyddfa Blake Morgan yng Nghaerdydd wedi codi swm anhygoel o £7,340 ar gyfer Young Lives vs Cancer.

Dim ond ym mis Mai 2022 y dewiswyd yr elusen ganser fel prif elusen swyddfa Caerdydd , ond diolch i lawer o weithgarwch a rhoddion hael, mae llawer iawn o arian wedi’i godi.

Mae’r bartneriaeth i barhau am ddwy flynedd, a’r gobaith yw y gall Blake Morgan barhau i godi ymwybyddiaeth ac arian ar gyfer y gwaith hanfodol a gaiff ei wneud gan Young Lives vs Cancer, wrth gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc â chanser, yn ogystal a’u teuluoedd.

O arwerthiant llyfrau a chacennau, cystadleuaeth cerfio pwmpenni a chwis Nadolig i blymio o’r awyr, marathonau, hanner marathonau a ras ironman– mae digon i’w gefnogi. Mae’r Pwyllgor Elusennol hefyd wedi trefnu nifer o weithgareddau eraill er mwyn codi arian , gan gynnwys cystadleuaeth yr anifail anwes mwyaf ciwt, swîps chwaraeon a rhoi partner ar ocsiwn, lle gwisgodd James Williams, yr enillydd lwcus a dderbyniodd y mwyaf o roddion, siwt gwisg ffansi. Cymerodd y cwmni ran hefyd yn rith-ddigwyddiad Nadolig Young Lives vs Cancer, ‘Rasio i Begwn y Gogledd’.

Dywedodd Rhian Davies, Cyd-Gadeirydd Pwyllgor Elusennol Caerdydd:

“Hoffwn ddiolch i’r holl bobl ardderchog sydd wedi cefnogi ein partneriaeth ag Young Lives vs Cancer – diolch i bawb sydd cymeryd rhan yn trefnu digwyddiadau, o gymryd rhan yn y digwyddiadau a’r rhoddion anhygoel o hael rydym wedi’u derbyn. Maent yn elusen mor hyfryd sy’n gwneud gwaith mor bwysig ac rydym yn falch o’u cefnogi.”

Ychwanegodd: “Cwblhaodd Simon McCann Marathon y “Brenin Enlli”, cwblhaodd Adam Carbis Triathlon Ironman Cymru a chwblhaodd Steve Parish Hanner Marathon Caerdydd – ymdrechion gwych gan bob un ohonynt. Yn ogystal, fe neidiodd Katie Greenaway allan o awyren hyd yn oed!”

Mae’r digwyddiadau sydd i ddod yn cynnwys raffl cynnyrch Cymreig i ddathlu Dydd Gŵyl Dewi a thaith gerdded 21 milltir ar hyd Ffordd Pererindod Penrhys i fyny Cwm Rhondda.

I gefnogi ymdrech codi arian Blake Morgan LLP, ewch i’r dudalen Just Giving.

Am ragor o wybodaeth am waith Young Lives vs Cancer, ewch i

Caiff Pwyllgor Elusennol swyddfa Caerdydd ei gyd-gadeirio gan Rhian Davies, Katie Greenaway a Zoe Groves. Partner yr Elusen yw Paul Duggan.

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