Blake Morgan becomes Chambers Wales member

Posted on 10th January 2022

Blake Morgan are delighted to announce that they have joined Chambers Wales South East, South West and Mid.

This press release is available in both English and Welsh languages. Please scroll down for the Welsh version.

Chambers Wales help businesses grow and make connections, and the link up is set to enhance Blake Morgan’s already considerable presence in south Wales.

Established in 1846, Chambers Wales help firms to grow and be heard. Membership allows organisations to have access to industry experts from across Wales, network and call upon global trade expertise.

Commenting on joining Chambers Wales, Blake Morgan Partner and Head of Office in Wales, Eve Piffaretti, said:

I am proud to announce that Blake Morgan have become Members of Chambers Wales to consolidate our relationship. At Blake Morgan, we are committed to providing a leading service to our clients both now and in the future, engaging with and supporting businesses in Wales and beyond. The challenges which the pandemic has thrown up mean that the role of Chambers Wales is more important than ever and we look forward to developing our relationship over the coming years.

This comes on the back of Blake Morgan’s excellent showing in the legal directories in Wales. In the 2022 Chambers and Partners Guide, the leading law firm had an impressive 12 team rankings, and 16 individual rankings, highlighting the wide range of specialisms within the Cardiff office. In the Legal 500 2022 directory, 17 team rankings were also achieved.

CHambers Wales Member Logo

Blake Morgan yn dod yn aelod o Siambrau Cymru (Chambers Wales)

Mae’n bleser gan Blake Morgan gyhoeddi bod y cwmni cyfreithiol ymaelodi â Siambrau Cymru De-ddwyrain, De-orllewin a’r Canolbarth.

Mae Siambrau Cymru yn helpu busnesau i dyfu a gwneud cysylltiadau, a disgwylir i’r bartneriaeth wella presenoldeb sylweddol eisoes Blake Morgan yn Ne Cymru.

Wedi’i sefydlu ym 1846, mae Siambrau Cymru yn helpu cwmnïau i dyfu a chael eu clywed. Mae aelodaeth yn caniatáu i sefydliadau gael mynediad at arbenigwyr  diwydiannol ledled Cymru, yn caniatáu cyfleoedd rhwydweithio ac i alw ar arbenigedd masnach fyd-eang.

Wrth ymuno â Siambrau Cymru, dywedodd Eve Piffaretti, Partner Blake Morgan a Phennaeth Swyddfa Cymru:

“Rwy’n falch o gyhoeddi bod Blake Morgan wedi ymaeoldi  â Siambrau Cymru i atgyfnerthu ein perthynas. Yn Blake Morgan, rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu gwasanaeth blaenllaw i’n cleientiaid nawr ac yn y dyfodol, gan gefnogi ac ymgysylltu â busnesau yng Nghymru a thu hwnt. Mae’r heriau sydd wedi codi yn sgil y pandemig yn golygu bod rôl Siambrau Cymru yn bwysicach nag erioed ac edrychwn ymlaen at ddatblygu ein perthynas yn y blynyddoedd i ddod.”

Daw aelodaeth newydd Siambrau Cymru ar gefn perfformiad rhagorol Blake Morgan yng nghyfeiriaduron cyfreithiol Cymru. Yng Nghyfeiriadur 2022 Siambrau a Phartneriaid (Chambers and Partners), enillodd y cwmni cyfreithiol blaenllaw 12 argymhelliad tîm, ynghyd â 16 argymhelliad unigol, sydd yn pwysleisio’r ystod eang o arbenigeddau o fewn swyddfa Caerdydd. Fe argymhellwyd 17 tîm yng Nghyfeirlyfr 2022 Legal 500 hefyd.

Insights and invitations from Blake Morgan


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