Blake Morgan Chair shares her experiences with LawyerUp students

Posted on 16th July 2021

Blake Morgan Chair Kath Shimmin took part in the LawyerUp virtual internship as a guest speaker to share her expertise and experiences within the legal industry with the interns on Tuesday 13 July.

Kath shared her insight into banking and finance law, her career progression journey, her experiences of being a female in the legal industry and the challenges she has overcome and her successes to date which have got her to where she is today.

Kath’s talk was well attended with 110 students joining live and a further 90 who have registered to watch the recording. The talk was incredibly well received by the students, who with the help of the LawyerUp team put together a thank you card to show their appreciation. Some highlights include:

Thank you Kath for an in-depth talk. Your words were inspiring about becoming the first female Chair at Blake Morgan and you have sparked my curiosity about banking law – something I hadn't considered prior!

Kath's answer to my question about the pandemic and her discussion about 2008 gave me a great insight into the banking sector's resilience. Thank you Kath for your wonderful talk but for also paving the way for aspiring female lawyers and for your contribution towards diversity and inclusion.

It's reassuring to hear Magic Circle firms aren't the be all and end all!

Thank you Kath for your candidness. It was an amazing talk that has inspired me to do some research into banking law as it was something I had not previously considered.

LawyerUp students

LawyerUp Is a virtual internship that runs in both the UK and the US, to help craft a better future of lawyers by inviting distinguished lawyers, legal recruiters and career coaches from every sector of law to speak to students. They provide the students with insights into their practice area to equip the aspiring lawyers with the knowledge they need to decide their future expertise. In addition they are taught development strategies they need to achieve their dream legal careers. Diversity and inclusion is at the heart of LawyerUp’s ethos, out of this year’s interns;

  • 60% are/were eligible for free school meals
  • 55% are from a low income household (<£28,500)
  • 57% are/will be first generation university students
  • 15% identify as LGBQ+
  • 90% attend/attended state school
  • 65% are female

You can find out more about LawyerUp here.

Insights and invitations from Blake Morgan


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