Blake Morgan in Wales celebrates multiple promotions recognising outstanding talent

Posted on 20th July 2023

Leading law firm Blake Morgan has announced a series of promotions within its Wales office, recognising its employees’ exceptional talent and commitment. These promotions highlight the dedication and excellent service provided by the team to clients across a wide range of sectors.

This article is available in both English and Welsh language versions below.

Blake Morgan in Wales is celebrating the promotion of seventeen outstanding professionals, showcasing the firm’s commitment to nurturing and developing legal talent in Wales. These promotions recognise individuals who have demonstrated exceptional legal expertise and a relentless commitment to delivering outstanding results for clients.

Promotions within the Wales office include the appointments of Tomos Lewis, Kate Howell, and Tina Whitman as Legal Directors, solidifying their roles as key leaders within the firm. Additionally, Rhiannon Peploe-Williams has been acknowledged for her exceptional contributions and promoted to Senior Associate.

Furthermore, Rhian Davies, Natalie Taylor, Emma Gardner, Daniel Taylor, Jonathan Williams, and Steve Parish have all achieved the position of Associate, showcasing their legal prowess and dedication. Sophie Latham and Holly Spencer-Briggs have earned the esteemed title of Senior Solicitor. At the same time, Sam Bevan, Shinto Paulose, Catrin Wehden, Emma Bilton, and Sara Powell have all been promoted to Senior Paralegal. Additionally, Kevin Barrow has been promoted to Case Manager, recognising his valuable contributions to the team.

Eve Piffaretti, Partner at Blake Morgan and head of the Wales office, congratulated the promoted individuals. She said:

“We are delighted to recognise our team members’ hard work and achievements with these well-deserved promotions. Their contributions have been invaluable to our clients and our firm’s success.

“Blake Morgan remains committed to maintaining its position as a leading provider of legal services in Wales. These promotions not only recognise the exceptional talent within the office but also reinforce the firm’s dedication to delivering comprehensive and innovative legal solutions to our clients.”


Mae’r cwmni cyfreithiol Blake Morgan wedi cyhoeddi cyfres o ddyrchafiadau yn ei swyddfa yng Nghaerdydd gan gydnabod talent ac ymrwymiad eithriadol rheini a ddyrchafwyd. Mae’r dyrchafiadau hyn yn cydnabod talent ac ymroddiad yr unigolyn hynny a’r gwasanaeth rhagorol a ddarperir gan y tîm i gleientiaid ar draws ystod eang o sectorau.

Mae Blake Morgan yn dathlu dyrchafu 17 o weithwyr rhagorol yng Nghaerdydd gan arddangos ymrwymiad parhaol y cwmni i feithrin a datblygu talent cyfreithiol yng Nghymru. Mae’r dyrchafiadau hyn  yn cydnabod unigolion sydd wedi dangos arbenigedd cyfreithiol eithriadol ac ymrwymiad di-baid i sicrhau canlyniadau rhagorol i gleientiaid.

Mae’r cwmni wedi penodi Tomos Lewis, Kate Howell, a Tina Whitman yn Gyfarwyddwyr Cyfreithiol sydd yn cadarnhau eu rolau fel arweinwyr allweddol o fewn y cwmni.

Mae Rhiannon Peploe-Williams wedi cael ei chydnabod am ei chyfraniadau eithriadol wrthi iddi cael ei ddyrchafu i Uwch Gydymaith.

Mae Rhian Davies, Natalie Taylor, Emma Gardner, Daniel Taylor, Jonathan Williams, a Steve Parish i gyd wedi eu dyrchafu i Gyfreithwyr Gydymaith wedi iddynt arddangos eu doniau a’u hymroddiad cyfreithiol.

Mae Sophie Latham a Holly Spencer-Briggs wedi eu dyrchafu i Uwch Gyfreithwyr tra fod Sam Bevan, Shinto Paulose, Catrin Wehden, Emma Bilton a Sara Powell i gyd wedi eu dyrchafu i Uwch Bargyfreithwyr. Yn ogystal, mae cyfraniadau gwerthfawr Kevin Barrow i’r tîm wedi eu adnabod wrth iddo cael ei ddyrchafu’n Rheolwr Achos.

Llongyfarchodd Eve Piffaretti, Partner a phennaeth swyddfa Cymru Blake Morgan,  yr unigolion a dyrchafwyd. Dywedodd hi:

“Rydym yn falch iawn o chydnabod gwaith caled a chyflawniadau’r tîm gyda’r dyrchafiadau haeddiannol hyn. Mae eu cyfraniadau wedi bod yn amhrisiadwy i’n cleientiaid a llwyddiant y cwmni.”

“Mae Blake Morgan yn parhau i fod yn ymrwymedig i gynnal ein safle fel darparwr gwasanaethau cyfreithiol blaenllaw yng Nghymru. Nid yn unig yw’r dyrchafiadau hyn  yn cydnabod y  talent eithriadol yn y swyddfa ond hefyd yn atgyfnerthu ymroddiad y  cwmni i  ddarparu atebion cyfreithiol cynhwysfawr ac arloesol i’n cleientiaid.”

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