Blake Morgan in Wales celebrates performance in Chambers and Partners 2022

Posted on 29th October 2021

This press release is available in both English and Welsh languages. Please scroll down for the Welsh version.

Blake Morgan in Wales is celebrating after securing an impressive 12 team rankings in the 2022 edition of the Chambers and Partners Guide, highlighting the firm’s wide range of specialisms and its consistent ability to deliver a best-in-class service.

The Guide recognises and recommends the best-performing lawyers and legal firms across the UK. Out of the firm’s 12 team rankings in Wales an impressive nine were ranked as Band 1 including Administrative and Public Law, Construction, Corporate M&A, Employment, Litigation, Real Estate, Real Estate Litigation, Restructuring and insolvency and Social Housing.

There was special praise for the firm’s Intellectual Property team, with the Guide praising the “comprehensive IP offering with particularly impressive lines in disputes and research and development agreements”. The Guide also highlighted the firm’s Pensions team for its “significant breadth of experience in the market, with a team that frequently acts for both employers and trustees on schemes of differing sizes”.

The Chambers and Partners Guide also recognises lawyers who are leading in their fields. Sixty-three lawyers from Blake Morgan were ranked in total this year, with 16 from Wales featuring including Jo Davies, Siân Jones, Paul Caldicott and Lee Fisher, who were all listed as Band 1 practitioners.

Geoffrey Reed was ranked by the Guide as a ‘Senior Statesperson’ for his “excellent and clear advice”, while Philip Jardine, head of the firm’s Property Services Group, was ranked as an ‘Eminent practitioner’. Out of the individual rankings, 10 lawyers were placed within the highest two bands. Matthew Smith’s Band 1 ranking was a result of his ability to “steer complicated cases through difficult waters in a calm and efficient manner, while one of Rob Cherry’s clients supported his Band 1 ranking by describing him as “a pleasure all round”.

The Guide also highlighted the strength and depth of the talent coming through at the firm with Gillian McCue and Paul Duggan listed as ‘Associates to watch’.

Eve Piffaretti, Partner in Blake Morgan’s Cardiff office, said:

It is always pleasing to see the consistently high performance of so many teams and individual lawyers at the firm recognised and is just reward for everyone's hard work throughout the past year. To achieve so many high rankings in the Guide for Wales is a testament once again to the broad and best-in-class offering Blake Morgan provides.

It makes me equally proud to see the Guide acknowledge the up-and-coming stars of the firm. At Blake Morgan, we are committed to providing a leading service to our Welsh clients both now and in the future, and the individuals identified by the Guide will no doubt play a key part in that.


Mae Blake Morgan yn dathlu llwyddiant 12 tîm sydd wedi eu lleoli yn Nghymru ar ôl iddynt cael eu hargymell yn rhifyn 2022 o gyfeiriadur mawreddog Siambrau a Phartneriaid (Chambers and Partners), sydd yn pwysleisio amrywiaeth eang arbenigaeth y cwmni a’i allu cyson i ddarparu gwasanaeth sy’n rhagori.

Mae’r cyfeiriadur yn cydnabod ac yn argymell y cyfreithwyr a’r cwmnïau blaenllaw cyfreithiol sy’n perfformio orau ledled y DU. O blith y 12 tîm y cwmni sydd wedi eu lleoli yn Nghrymu a argymhellwyd, argymhellwyd 9 fel Band 1 gan gynnwys Cyfraith Weinyddol a Chyhoeddus, Adeiladu, M&A Corfforaethol, Cyflogaeth, Ymgyfreitha, Eiddo Tirol, Ymgyfreitha Eiddo Tirol, Ailstrwythuro ac ansolfedd a Thai Cymdeithasol.

Rhoddwyd canmoliaeth arbennig i dîm Eiddo Deallusol y cwmni, gyda’r cyfeiriadur yn canmol y “cynnig cynhwysfawr o ran Eiddo Deallusol, gyda arbenigedd arbennig o drawiadol yn y maesydd anghydfodau a chytundebau ymchwil a datblygu”. Fe ganmolwyd tîm Pensiynau’r cwmni am ei “ehangder sylweddol o brofiad yn y farchnad, gyda thîm sy’n gweithredu yn aml ar ran cyflogwyr ac ymddiriedolwyr ar gynlluniau o wahanol feintiau”.

Mae cyfeiriadur Siambrau a Phartneriaid hefyd yn cydnabod cyfreithwyr blaenllaw yn eu maes.  Argymhellwyd cyfanswm o 63 o gyfreithiwr unigol Blake Morgan eleni, gydag 16 o Gymru, gan gynnwys Jo Davies, Siân Jones, Paul Caldicott a Lee Fisher a restrwyd i gyd fel Ymarferwyr Band 1.

Argymhellodd y cyfeiriadur Geoffrey Reed fel ‘Uwch Wladweinydd’ am ei “gyngor rhagorol a chlir”, tra cafodd Philip Jardine, pennaeth Grŵp Gwasanaethau Eiddo’r cwmni ei argymell fel  “ymarferwr nodedig”. O’r argymhellion unigol, rhestrwyd 10 cyfreithiwr o fewn y ddau fand uchaf. Deilliodd argymhelliad Band 1 Matthew Smith o’i allu i ‘lywio achosion cymhleth trwy ddyfroedd garw mewn modd digynnwrf ac effeithlon’, tra bod un o gleientiaid Rob Cherry yn cefnogi ei argymhelliad Band 1 drwy ei ddisgrifio fel “pleser ym mhob ystyr ”.

Amlygodd y cyfeiriadur hefyd gryfder a manylder y talent sy’n datblygu yn y cwmni gyda Gillian McCue a Paul Duggan yn cael eu rhestru fel ‘cyfreithwyr cyswllt a dyfodol iddynt’.

Dywedodd Eve Piffaretti, Partner yn swyddfa Blake Morgan yng Nghaerdydd:

“Mae bob amser yn braf gweld cymaint o dîmau a chyfreithwyr unigol yn y cwmni yn cael eu cydnabod am eu perfformiad o safon uchel cyson, ac mae’n wobr am waith caled pawb drwy gydol y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Mae cyflawni cymaint o argymhellion uchel yn y cyfeiriadur yng Nghymru yn brawf unwaith eto o’r cynnig eang o’r radd flaenaf a ddarperir gan Blake Morgan.

“Mae’n fy ngwneud yr un mor falch o weld y cyfeiriadur yn cydnabod sêr addawol y cwmni. Mae Blake Morgan wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu gwasanaeth blaenllaw i’n cleientiaid yng Nghymru nawr ac yn y dyfodol, ac nid oes amheuaeth y bydd yr unigolion a nodwyd gan y cyfeiriadur yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn hynny.”

Insights and invitations from Blake Morgan


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