Blake Morgan promotes eight lawyers in Wales in recognition of a successful year

Posted on 21st July 2022

Leading law firm Blake Morgan has rewarded the work of its lawyers in Wales with a raft of promotions.

This press release is available in both English and Welsh languages. Please scroll down for the Welsh version.

Eight individuals have been promoted in recognition of their efforts to support the continued success of the firm over the last year and the excellent legal counsel they provide to clients.

Four lawyers in the firm’s Cardiff team have been promoted to Legal Director, with one lawyer promoted to Senior Associate, two promoted to Associate level and one to Senior Solicitor.

Following a successful year, Commercial Litigation specialists Joanna Corbett-Simmons and Sarah Whittle have been promoted to Legal Director, along with Corporate lawyer James Vaughan and Property Services lawyer Victoria Morley-Jones.

Tanya Barrett of the Property Services team has been promoted to Senior Associate, while corporate lawyer James Bowen and Regulatory lawyer Gem Casey have both been promoted to Associate. James Helps is also celebrating, following his promotion to Senior Solicitor within the Property Services team.

Eve Piffaretti, head of Blake Morgan’s office in Wales, said:

At Blake Morgan, we are committed to recognising, developing and promoting our in-house talent. I would like to congratulate Joanna, Sarah, James, Victoria, Tanya, James, Gem and James on their well-deserved promotions.

This exciting next step in their careers reflects their hard work, contribution and dedication to delivering exceptional service to their clients over many years.

She added: “I would like to thank everyone who has been promoted for their hard work. Law firms are all about people, and we are proud to have such a talented, dedicated team here in Wales.”

Promoted: The Blake Morgan individuals who have been promoted in the Cardiff office. Photo by Simon Ayre.

Promoted: The Blake Morgan individuals who have been promoted in the Cardiff office. Photo by Simon Ayre.


Mae’r cwmni cyfreithiol blaenllaw Blake Morgan wedi gwobrwyo gwaith ei gyfreithwyr yng Nghymru gyda llu o ddyrchafiadau.

Mae wyth unigolyn wedi eu dyrchafu i gydnabod eu hymdrechion i gefnogi llwyddiant parhaus y cwmni dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf a’r cwnsel cyfreithiol rhagorol a ddarparant i gleientiaid.

Mae pedwar cyfreithiwr yn nhîm Caerdydd y cwmni wedi’u dyrchafu yn Gyfarwyddwyr Cyfreithiol, gydag un cyfreithiwr wedi’i ddyrchafu’n Uwch Gyfreithiwr Cysylltiol, dau wedi’u dyrchafu i lefel Cyfreithwyr Cysylltiol ac un yn Uwch Gyfreithiwr.

Yn dilyn flwyddyn lwyddiannus, mae’r arbenigwyr Ymgyfreitha Masnachol Joanna Corbett-Simmons a Sarah Whittle wedi’u dyrchafu yn Gyfarwyddwyr Cyfreithiol, ynghyd â James Vaughanyn y tîm Corfforaethol a Victoria Morley-Jones yn y tîm Gwasanaethau Eiddo.

Mae Tanya Barrett o’r tîm Gwasanaethau Eiddo wedi’i dyrchafu’n Uwch Gyfreithiwr Cysylltiol, tra bod James Bowen, yn y tîm Corfforaethol a Gem Casey yn y tîm  Rheoleiddio, ill dau wedi’u dyrchafu’n Gyfreithwyr Cysylltiol. Mae James Helps hefyd yn dathlu, yn dilyn ei ddyrchafiad i Uwch Gyfreithwir o fewn tîm y Gwasanaethau Eiddo.

Dywedodd Eve Piffaretti, Pennaeth swyddfa Cymru Blake Morgan: 

Yn Blake Morgan, rydym wedi ymrwymo i gydnabod, datblygu a dyrchafu ein talent mewnol. Hoffwn longyfarch Joanna, Sarah, James, Victoria, Tanya, James, Gemma a James ar eu dyrchafiadau haeddiannol.

Mae’r cam nesaf cyffrous hwn yn eu gyrfaoedd yn adlewyrchu eu gwaith caled, eu cyfraniad a’u hymroddiad i ddarparu gwasanaeth eithriadol i’w cleientiaid dros nifer o flynyddoedd.

Hoffwn ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi ennill dyrchafiad am eu gwaith caled. Mae cwmnïau cyfreithiol yn canolbwyntio ar bobl, ac rydym yn falch o gael tîm mor dalentog ac ymroddedig yma yng Nghymru.

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