Blake Morgan scoops ‘Law Firm of The Year’ and ‘Real Estate Team of The Year’ at the 2022 Wales Legal Awards

Posted on 23rd May 2022

Blake Morgan has scooped the top honour at the Wales Legal Awards 2022, with the firm beating off stiff competition to be crowned ‘Law Firm of the Year’. The firm also picked up the coveted ‘Real Estate Team Of The Year’ award for the third time.

This article is available in both English and Welsh language versions below.

Established in 2019, the Wales Legal Awards celebrate the success of those teams practising in and providing services to the legal profession in Wales.

The awards were judged by an expert, independent panel of judges, including representatives of Wales’ regional legal communities, well-respected voices from the legal media, and those at the cutting edge of the business of law in the UK.

The awards were held on Friday, 20 May 2022, at the Mercure Holland House Hotel in Cardiff.

Charlotte Leyshon, Co-Founder, Wales Legal Awards, said:

A huge congratulations to Blake Morgan on their success at the Wales Legal Awards. Our judges were hugely impressed by the firm's submission, in which they demonstrated that they are leaders in their chosen markets. At the same time, the firm does an impressive amount of community engagement and pro-bono work, demonstrating that successful legal firms can also be deeply rooted in their communities.

The Real Estate Team Of The Year award recognises outstanding performance from a commercial property team in providing commercial advice to developers, landlords and investors.

Charlotte Leyshon continued: “Blake Morgan’s real estate team demonstrated that it is at the forefront of providing high-quality advice concerning commercial property, construction, planning and disputes arising from commercial property in Wales.

Commenting on the win, James Egan, Partner and Head of Real Estate – Wales, said: “We are thrilled to have won the Real Estate Team of The Year award for the third time. These awards recognise our continued success and give the whole team the recognition it deserves.

“The real estate team has always taken pride in delivering high-quality, commercial advice to local, national and international clients. Winning this award again demonstrates the depth and breadth of expertise we can offer clients in this area, and we are very proud to have secured a hat trick with this award!”

Eve Piffaretti, Partner & Head of Blake Morgan’s office in Wales, said: “To win these two awards is an absolute testament to our team’s hard work and commitment over the last two years. I am so proud of our team and our culture of giving back to our local communities. I would like to thank everyone whose hard work has contributed to our success. Law firms are all about people, and we are proud to have such a talented, dedicated team here in Wales.”

Wales Legal Awards 2022Wales Legal Awards 2022

Blake Morgan yn cipio 'Cwmni Cyfreithiol y Flwyddyn' a 'Thîm Eiddo Tiriog y Flwyddyn' yng Ngwobrau Cyfreithiol Cymru 2022

Ar noson lwyddiannus iawn i’r cwmni, fe gipiodd Blake Morgan ddau wobr – gan gynnwys y y brif glod – yng Ngwobrau Cyfreithiol Cymru 2022.  Fe goronwyd y cwmni fel ‘Cwmni Cyfreithiol y Flwyddyn’gan guro cystadleuaeth brwd iawn gan gwmnïau teilwng eraill.

Yn o gystal a’r brif wobr, fe enillodd y cwmni y wobr uchel ei fri ‘Tîm Eiddo Tiriog y Flwyddyn’ am y trydydd tro o’r bron.

Fe sefydlwyd Gwobrau Cyfreithiol Cymru yn 2019 i ddathlu llwyddiant y timau hynny sy’n arfer yn y sector cyfreithiol ac yn darparu gwasanaethau i’r proffesiwn yng Nghymru.

Barnwyd y gwobrau gan banel o farnwyr arbenigol ac annibynnol, gan gynnwys cynrychiolwyr o gymunedau cyfreithiol rhanbarthol Cymru, lleisiau uchel eu parch o’r cyfryngau cyfreithiol, a’r rhai sydd ar flaen y gad ym myd gyfraith y DU.

Cynhaliwyd y noson wobrwyo nos Wener, 20 o Fai 2022, yng Ngwesty Mercure yng Nghaerdydd.

Dywedodd Charlotte Leyshon, cyd-sylfaenydd Gwobrau Cyfreithiol Cymru:

“Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i Blake Morgan ar eu llwyddiant yng Ngwobrau Cyfreithiol Cymru. Gwnaeth cyflwyniad y cwmni argraff fawr ar ein beirniaid, lle dangoswyd eu bod yn arweinwyr yn y farchnad. Ar yr un pryd, mae’r cwmni’n ymgymryd â llawer iawn o waith cymunedol a gwaith pro-bono, gan ddangos y gall cwmnïau cyfreithiol llwyddiannus hefyd fod â gwreiddiau dwfn yn eu cymunedau.”

Mae gwobr Tîm Eiddo Tiriog y Flwyddyn yn cydnabod perfformiad rhagorol gan dîm eiddo masnachol wrth ddarparu cyngor masnachol i ddatblygwyr, landlordiaid a buddsoddwyr.

Aeth Charlotte Leyshon ymlaen i ddweud:

“Dangosodd tîm eiddo tiriog Blake Morgan ei fod ar flaen y gad o ran darparu cyngor o ansawdd uchel yn ymwneud ag eiddo masnachol, adeiladu, cynllunio ac anghydfodau sy’n deillio o eiddo masnachol yng Nghymru.”

Wrth sôn am y fuddugoliaeth, dywedodd James Egan, Partner a Phennaeth Eiddo Tiriog – Cymru:

“Rydym yn hynod falch o ennill gwobr Tîm Eiddo Tiriog y Flwyddyn am y trydydd tro o’r bron. Mae’r gwobrau hyn yn cydnabod ein llwyddiant parhaus ac yn rhoi’r gydnabyddiaeth haeddiannol i’r tîm cyfan.

“Mae’r tîm eiddo tiriog bob amser wedi ymfalchïo mewn darparu cyngor masnachol o ansawdd uchel i gleientiaid lleol, cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol. Mae ennill y wobr hon unwaith eto yn dangos dyfnder ac ehangder yr arbenigedd y gallwn ei gynnig i gleientiaid yn y maes hwn, ac rydym yn falch iawn o fod wedi ennill hat tric gyda’r wobr hon!”.

Dywedodd Eve Piffaretti, Partner a Phennaeth swyddfa Cymru Blake Morgan:

“Mae ennill y ddwy wobr yma yn destament llwyr i waith caled ac ymrwymiad ein tîm dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf. Rwyf mor falch o’n tîm a’n diwylliant o roi yn ôl i’n cymunedau lleol. Hoffwn ddiolch i bawb y mae eu gwaith caled sydd wedi cyfrannu at ein llwyddiant. Mae cwmnïau cyfreithiol yn canolbwyntio ar bobl, ac rydym yn falch o gael tîm mor dalentog ac ymroddedig yma yng Nghymru.”

Insights and invitations from Blake Morgan


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