Blake Morgan shortlisted for Property Law Firm of the Year in Wales

Posted on 11th May 2023

Blake Morgan has been named as a finalist in the Property Law Firm of the Year category at the Insider Wales Property Awards 2023.

This is available in both English and Welsh language versions below.

The awards will shine a spotlight the property deals, professional advisers, developments, construction companies, developers and personalities that made an impression in Wales.

In order to be in the running for the Property Law Firm of the Year award, law firms based in Wales need to have been involved in property transactions that have made a big impact on Wales’s property market in the qualifying period, which was the 12 months prior to March 2023.

Blake Morgan’s team of real estate lawyers deal with a wide range of commercial property projects. They have a deep understanding of the property market in Wales and across the UK, meaning they advise their clients on the impact of property trends and changes in legislation to help them boost the performance of their real estate investments.

It has been a lively year on the property and construction scene in Wales with landmark buildings completed, big deals signed, and thousands of new homes built.

Blake Morgan is also delighted to sponsor the Commercial Development of the Year category at the awards.

The Insider Wales Property Awards 2023 will celebrate all these achievements at a dinner on Thursday, 15 June at the Cardiff City Hall.

Insider. Property Award. Wales 2023.


Mae Blake Morgan wedi’i enwi yn gystadleuydd yn rownd derfynol categori Cwmni Cyfraith Eiddo’r Flwyddyn yng Ngwobrau Eiddo Insider Wales 2023.

Bydd y gwobrau yn tynnu sylw at fargeinion eiddo, cynghorwyr proffesiynol, datblygiadau, cwmnïau adeiladu, datblygwyr ac unigolion a wnaeth argraff yng Nghymru.

I fod yn y ras am wobr Cwmni Cyfraith Eiddo’r Flwyddyn, mae angen i gwmnïau cyfreithiol sydd wedi’u lleoli yng Nghymru fod wedi ymwneud â thrafodion eiddo a wnaeth effaith fawr ar farchnad eiddo Cymru yn y cyfnod cymhwyso, sef y 12 mis cyn mis Mawrth 2023.

Mae tîm cyfreithwyr eiddo Blake Morgan yn delio ag ystod eang o brosiectau eiddo masnachol. Mae ganddynt ddealltwriaeth ddofn o’r farchnad eiddo yng Nghymru a ledled y DU, sy’n golygu eu bod yn cynghori eu cleientiaid ar effaith tueddiadau eiddo a newidiadau mewn deddfwriaeth i’w helpu i hybu perfformiad eu buddsoddiadau eiddo .

Bu’n flwyddyn fywiog yn y byd eiddo ac adeiladu yng Nghymru, gydag adeiladau nodedig wedi’u cwblhau, bargeinion mawr wedi’u harwyddo, a miloedd o gartrefi newydd wedi’u hadeiladu.

Mae Blake Morgan hefyd yn falch iawn o noddi categori Datblygiad Masnachol y Flwyddyn yn y gwobrau.

Bydd Gwobrau Eiddo Insider Wales 2023 yn dathlu’r holl gyflawniadau hyn yn ystod cinio ar ddydd Iau, 15 Mehefin yn Neuadd y Ddinas, Caerdydd.

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