Blake Morgan support Future Thinkers

Posted on 29th June 2023

Blake Morgan is delighted to sponsor the ‘Bevan Future Thinkers Award’ in Health and Care.

This article is available in both English and Welsh language versions below.

The Bevan Commission Future Thinkers award gives an opportunity for students undertaking health and care related studies across Wales to provide fresh insight and vision to inform the Bevan Commission’s thinking in securing sustainable health and care that is fit for the future.

Students were asked to set out in an essay form of no more than 2500 words ‘What should health and care services in Wales look like in 2050, and what will need to happen to achieve this?’ Supporting media content such as animations or audio clips were welcome.

Eve Piffaretti, Head of Office in Wales and Blake Morgan’s Public Law Group, commented:

We are delighted to be sponsoring this year's Bevan Commission Future Thinkers Award. Its part of our celebration of the NHS at 75 years but also recognising how important it is to capture the thoughts and insights of young people in terms of the future sustainability of the health and care system in Wales.

The winners of the award will be announced by Derek Walker, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales at the Bevan Commission Conference, ‘The Tipping Point: Where next for health and care?’ which takes place at Celtic Manor, Newport on 5 and 6 July.

Find out more about the conference here and the Future Thinkers award here.

Blake Morgan has a strong reputation within the health and care sector. With the team staying ahead of the issues to work with both public and private providers. Discover more about the leading law firm’s health and care services here.

Blake Morgan yn cefnogi Meddylwyr y Dyfodol

Mae Blake Morgan yn falch o noddi ‘Gwobr Meddylwyr y Dyfodol Comisiwn Bevan’ ym maes Iechyd a Gofal.

Mae gwobr Meddylwyr y Dyfodol Comisiwn Bevan yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr sy’n ymgymryd ag astudiaethau sy’n ymwneud ag iechyd a gofal ledled Cymru roi mewnwelediad a gweledigaeth newydd i lywio barn Comisiwn Bevan wrth bennu iechyd a gofal cynaliadwy sy’n addas ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Gofynnwyd i fyfyrwyr ddisgrifio ar ffurf traethawd heb fod yn fwy na 2,500 o eiriau ‘Sut olwg dylai fod ar wasanaethau iechyd a gofal yng Nghymru yn 2050 a beth fydd angen ei wneud i gyflawni hyn?’ Roedd croeso iddynt gynnwys cyfryngau ategol megis animeiddiadau neu glipiau sain.

Dywedodd Eve Piffaretti, Pennaeth Swyddfa Cymru a Grŵp Cyfraith Gyhoeddus Blake Morgan:

“Mae’n bleser gennym noddi Gwobr Meddylwyr y Dyfodol Comisiwn Bevan eleni. Mae’n rhan o’n dathliad o ben-blwydd y GIG yn 75 oed ond mae hefyd yn cydnabod pa mor bwysig yw hi i gynnwys barn a mewnwelediadau pobl ifanc o ran cynaliadwyedd y system iechyd a gofal yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol.”

Caiff enillwyr y wobr eu cyhoeddi gan Derek Walker, Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol Cymru yng Nghynhadledd Comisiwn Bevan, ‘Y Pwynt Tyngedfennol: Lle nesaf i iechyd a gofal?’ a gynhelir yn y Celtic Manor, Casnewydd ar 5 a 6 Gorffennaf.

Dysgwch fwy am y gynhadledd yma a’r wobr Meddylwyr y Dyfodol yma.

Mae gan Blake Morgan enw da iawn yn y sector iechyd a gofal, gyda’r tîm yn aros ar flaen materion er mwyn gweithio gyda darparwyr cyhoeddus a darparwyr preifat. Dysgwch fwy am wasanaethau iechyd a gofal y cwmni yma.

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