Blake Morgan supports Sustainability in Housing Award

Posted on 13th September 2023

Blake Morgan is delighted to sponsor the Sustainability in Housing Award at the Chartered Institute of Housing’s (CIH) Welsh Housing Awards 2023.

This press release is available in both English and Welsh language versions below.

The housing sector, like many others, is faced with the challenge of cutting carbon emissions to achieve the Welsh Governments’ net zero targets by 2050.

The Sustainability in Housing award celebrates organisations that can demonstrate they have overcome some of the significant challenges in cutting carbon emissions.

Blake Morgan Partner Louise Howells, commented:

This award is something that is very much aligned with our own values, supporting and encouraging sustainability within the sector.

If organisations can demonstrate that they are actively responding to the net-zero challenge and give examples of what steps they are taking to drive the retrofit agenda forward, they should submit a nomination.

The award is open to any organisation, group or partnership that can demonstrate the impact on reducing carbon emissions for tenants/residents. Applicants may consider new developments, retrofit projects or any other initiatives that has helped reduce carbon emissions.

The Welsh Housing Awards will take place on 30 November at the Mercure Cardiff Holland House Hotel. The evening will recognise and celebrate the creativity, passion, and innovation of housing organisations and individuals across the sector in Wales.

Blake Morgan provide a fully comprehensive solution to the social housing sector, counting some of the best-known providers in the Wales as long-term clients. Find out more about the leading law firm’s expertise here.


Blake Morgan yn cefnogi Gwobr Cynaliadwyedd ym maes Tai

Mae’n bleser gan Blake Morgan noddi gwobr ‘Cynaliadwyedd ym maes Tai’ yng Ngwobrau Tai Cymru 2013 y Sefydliad Tai Siartredig.

Mae’r sector dai, fel llawer o rai eraill, yn wynebuher o dorri allyriadau carbon i gyrraedd targedau net sero Llywodraeth Cymru erbyn 2050.

Mae’r wobr ‘Cynaliadwyedd o fewn Tai’ yn dathlu sefydliadau sy’n gallu dangos eu bod wedi goresgyn rhai o heriau sylweddol wrth dorri allyriadau carbon.

Dywedodd Louise Howell, partner yn Blake Morgan: “Mae’r wobr hon yn cyd-fynd i raddau helaeth â’n gwerthoedd ein hunain, gan gefnogi ac annog cynaliadwyedd o fewn y sector.”

“Os gall sefydliadau ddangos eu bod yn ymateb yn rhagweithiol i’r her net sero a rhoi enghreifftiau o ba gamau y maent yn eu cymeryd i hybu’r agenda ôl-osod, dylent gyflwyno enwebiad.”

Mae’r wobr yn agored i unrhyw sefydliad, grŵp neu bartneriaeth a all ddangos effaith lleihau allyriadau carbon ar denantiaid/preswylwyr. Gall ymgeiswyr ystyried datblygiadau newydd, prosiectau ôl-osod neu unrhyw fentrau eraill sydd wedi helpu i leihau allyriadau carbon.

Cynhelir Gwobrau Tai Cymru ar 30 Tachwedd yng Ngwesty Tŷ Holland Mercure Caerdydd. Bydd y noson yn cydnabod ac yn dathlu creadigrwydd, angerdd ac arloesedd sefydliadau tai ac unigolion ar draws y sector yng Nghymru.

Mae Blake Morgan yn darparu darpariaeth gynhwysfawr i’r sector tai cymdeithasol, gan ystyried rhai o’r darparwyr mwyaf adnabyddus yng Nghymru fel cleientiaid hirdymor. Dysgwch fwy am arbenigedd ein cwmni yma.


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