Blake Morgan’s teams and Leading Individuals in Cardiff win stream of accolades in latest Legal 500 directory

Posted on 12th October 2021

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Blake Morgan’s team in Wales is celebrating after securing an impressive 17 rankings in the 2022 edition of the Legal 500, reflecting the firm’s first-rate service and specialist expertise among its teams and individual lawyers.

Each year, the Legal 500 reviews and benchmarks the strength of law firms and their lawyers based on extensive research and feedback from clients. Among its 17 rankings in Wales, 11 of Blake Morgan’s practice areas were ranked ‘Tier 1’, in recognition of their outstanding service and delivery.

The practice areas that achieved Tier 1 rankings included Corporate and Commercial, Clinical Negligence, Commercial Litigation, Pensions, Health and Safety, Employment, Public Sector, Property Litigation, Social Housing, Intellectual Property and Insolvency and Corporate Recovery. The firm’s multi-disciplinary Public Sector team was praised for providing an “incredibly knowledgeable” service to public sector entities across local and central government, social housing, health and education.

Overall, 32 of the firm’s lawyers were recognised individually this year, with 19 lawyers achieving ‘Leading Individual Status’. Among those listed was James Williams who is described as ‘an exceptional corporate lawyer with well-tuned commercial opinions backed by excellent legal credentials’.

The Blake Morgan employment team has more individuals listed than any other law firm in Wales, and Matthew Smith is praised for ‘setting the standard when it comes to commercial understanding, relationship management and creative approaches that gives the client control and perspective’. In addition, there were six lawyers ranked as ‘Next Generation Partners’ in addition to 7 ‘Rising Stars’.

Eve Piffaretti, Partner in Blake Morgan’s Cardiff office, said:

We are thrilled to see so many of our lawyers and practice areas being recognised for their achievements and hard work in this year’s Legal 500.

Despite the challenges of the last year, our team has worked tirelessly to deliver a first-class service to our clients, and I’d like to thank everyone for their commitment, dedication and exceptional efforts to deliver outstanding service and legal solutions. We are incredibly proud to see so many of our team being recognised this year.


Mae tîm Blake Morgan yng Nghymru yn dathlu ar ôl derbyn 17 argymhelliad yn rhifyn 2022 o’r Legal 500, sydd ynadlewyrchu gwasanaeth ac arbenigedd radd flaenaf timau a chyfreithwyr unigol y cwmni.

Bob blwyddyn, mae’r Legal 500 yn adolygu ac yn meincnodi cryfder cwmnïau cyfreithiol a’u cyfreithwyr ar sail ymchwil helaeth ac adborth gan gleientiaid. Ymysg ei 17 argymhelliad yng Nghymru, rhestrwyd 11 o ddisgyblaethau Blake Morgan yn ‘Haen 1’, i gydnabod eu gwasanaeth a’u darpariaeth ragorol.

Roedd y disgyblaethau Haen 1 yn cynnwys: Corfforaethol a Masnachol, Esgeuluster Clinigol, Ymgyfreitha Masnachol, Pensiynau, Iechyd a Diogelwch, Cyflogaeth, Sector Cyhoeddus, Ymgyfreitha Eiddo, Tai Cymdeithasol, Eiddo Deallusol ac Ansolfedd ac Adferiad Corfforaethol. Canmolwyd tîm Sector Cyhoeddus amlddisgyblaethol y cwmni am ddarparu gwasanaeth “hynod wybodus” i endidau sector cyhoeddus ar draws llywodraeth leol a chanolog, tai cymdeithasol, iechyd ac addysg.

Ar y cyfan, cydnabuwyd 32 o gyfreithwyr y cwmni yn unigol eleni, gyda 19 cyfreithiwr yn ennill ‘Statws Unigolyn Blaenllaw’. Ymhlith y rheiny a restrwyd oedd James Williams a ddisgrifir fel ‘cyfreithiwr corfforaethol eithriadol gyda barn fasnachol arbennig wedi’i hategu gan gymwysterau cyfreithiol rhagorol’.

Mae gan dîm cyflogaeth Blake Morgan fwy o unigolion wedi’u rhestru nag unrhyw gwmni cyfreithiol arall yng Nghymru, a chanmolir Matthew Smith am ‘osod y safon o ran dealltwriaeth fasnachol, rheoli perthnasoedd a dulliau creadigol sy’n rhoi rheolaeth a phersbectif i’r cleient’. Yn ogystal, roedd chwe chyfreithiwr wedi’u rhestru fel ‘Partneriaid y Genhedlaeth Nesaf’ yn ogystal â 7 ‘Sêr Disglair’.

Dywedodd Eve Piffaretti, Partner yn swyddfa Blake Morgan yng Nghaerdydd:

“Rydym wrth ein bod o weld cymaint o’n cyfreithwyr a’n disgyblaethau yn cael eu cydnabod yn Legal 500 eleni am eu cyflawniadau a’u gwaith caled.

“Er gwaethaf heriau llynedd, mae ein tîm wedi gweithio yn ddiflino i ddarparu gwasanaeth o’r radd flaenaf i’n cleientiaid, a hoffwn ddiolch i bawb am eu hymrwymiad, eu hymroddiad a’u hymdrechion eithriadol i ddarparu gwasanaeth ac atebion cyfreithiol rhagorol. Rydym yn hynod falch o weld cymaint o’n tîm yn cael eu cydnabod eleni.”

Insights and invitations from Blake Morgan


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