Four new Partners at Blake Morgan this spring

Posted on 4th May 2023

Leading law firm Blake Morgan has announced the promotions of four of its lawyers to Partner. Conor Daly, James Danks, Delme Griffiths, and Angela Mildenhall will take up their new positions from the beginning of May.

This is available in both English and Welsh language versions below.

Their appointments have been made in recognition of the lawyers’ individual expertise and dedicated commitment to delivering top-quality advice and solutions to clients. Working across a range of sectors and regions, they represent the burgeoning next generation of legal talent Blake Morgan continues to nurture across its offices.

Conor Daly joined the firm in 2012 as a trainee solicitor and is a member of the commercial litigation team in London. He predominately focuses on high-value and complex commercial litigation, frequently tackling cases with an international element.

James Danks and Delme Griffiths specialise in professional regulation, and in the latest Legal 500 rankings, both were named ‘Rising Stars’. James, who is based in Reading, has been with Blake Morgan for almost a decade, and advises regulators and respondents on disciplinary proceedings, with particular experience in the healthcare sector.

In the Cardiff office, Delme has a particular expertise in the regulation of solicitors and the education, social care and healthcare sectors. He joined the firm in 2012, and also has extensive experience in public law, judicial review, and acting for clients in the charitable/not-for-profit sector.

Angela Mildenhall is a real estate expert and works within the property services group in the Thames Valley. She specialises in office, industrial and retail commercial property, with a particular expertise in the leisure industry and the commercial office market. Since joining Blake Morgan in 2019 after holding several international positions, she has been described by clients as “a strong team player who has an effortless ability to get the job done effectively”.

Kath Shimmin, Chair at Blake Morgan, said:

We are proud and excited to be promoting these four exceptional lawyers to partners. As Blake Morgan goes from strength to strength, we know this is founded on the passion and dedication of our people, and it is a pleasure to see so many new partners rising up from within our talented ranks.

With a combined 35 years of Blake Morgan experience behind them, Conor, James, Delme, and Angela have shown faultless dedication to their clients, and the positive feedback they receive testifies to their expert advice and abilities.

Angela Mildenhall, Conor Daly, Delme Griffiths, James Danks


Mae’r cwmni cyfreithiol Blake Morgan wedi cyhoeddi bod pedwar o’u cyfreithwyr wedi’u dyrchafu yn Bartneriaid. Bydd Conor Daly, James Danks, Delme Griffiths, ac Angela Mildenhall yn ymgymryd â’u swyddi newydd o ddechrau mis Mai.

Gwnaed eu penodiadau i gydnabod arbenigedd unigol y cyfreithwyr a’u hymrwymiad ymroddedig i ddarparu cyngor ac atebion o’r radd flaenaf i gleientiaid. Gan weithio ar draws ystod o sectorau a rhanbarthau, maent yn cynrychioli’r genhedlaeth ffyniannus nesaf o dalent cyfreithiol y mae Blake Morgan yn parhau i’w meithrin ar draws ei swyddfeydd.

Ymunodd Conor Daly â’r cwmni yn 2012 fel cyfreithiwr dan hyfforddiant ac mae’n aelod o’r tîm ymgyfreitha masnachol yn Llundain. Mae’n canolbwyntio’n bennaf ar ymgyfreitha masnachol cymhleth a gwerthfawr iawn, gan fynd i’r afael yn aml ag achosion ag elfen ryngwladol.

Mae James Danks a Delme Griffiths yn arbenigo mewn rheoleiddio proffesiynol, ac enwyd y ddau yn ‘Sêr Disglair’ yn yr argymelliadau ‘Legal 500’ diweddaraf. Mae James, sydd wedi’i leoli yn Reading, wedi bod gyda Blake Morgan ers bron i ddegawd, ac mae’n cynghori rheoleiddwyr ac ymatebwyr ar achosion disgyblu, gan feddu ar brofiad penodol yn y sector gofal iechyd.

Yn swyddfa Caerdydd, mae gan Delme arbenigedd penodol o ran rheoleiddio cyfreithwyr a’r sectorau addysg, gofal cymdeithasol a gofal iechyd. Ymunodd â’r cwmni yn 2012, ac mae ganddo hefyd brofiad helaeth o gyfraith gyhoeddus, adolygiad barnwrol, a gweithredu dros gleientiaid yn y sector elusennol/nid-er-elw.

Mae Angela Mildenhall yn arbenigwr eiddo ac yn gweithio o fewn y grŵp gwasanaethau eiddo yn Nyffryn Tafwys. Mae hi’n arbenigo mewn eiddo masnachol , diwydiannol a manwerthu, ac mae ganddi arbenigedd penodol yn y diwydiant hamdden a’r farchnad swyddfeydd masnachol. Ers ymuno â Blake Morgan yn 2019 ar ôl gweithio sawl swydd ryngwladol, caiff ei disgrifio gan gleientiaid fel “chwaraewr tîm cryf sydd â gallu diymdrech i gyflawni’r gwaith yn effeithiol”.

Dywedodd Kath Shimmin, Cadeirydd Blake Morgan:

“Rydym yn falch ac yn gyffrous o ddyrchafu’r pedwar cyfreithiwr eithriadol hyn yn bartneriaid. Wrth i Blake Morgan fynd o nerth i nerth, gwyddom fod hyn yn seiliedig ar angerdd ac ymroddiad ein pobl, ac mae’n bleser gweld cymaint o bartneriaid newydd yn codi o’n rhengoedd talentog.

Gyda chyfuniad o 35 mlynedd o brofiad Blake Morgan y tu ôl iddynt, mae Conor, James, Delme, ac Angela wedi dangos ymroddiad perffaith i’w cleientiaid, ac mae’r adborth cadarnhaol a gânt yn brawf o’u cyngor a’u galluoedd arbenigol.”

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