Inaugural Women in Corporate & Finance event a big hit

Posted on 7th March 2023

The first Women in Corporate & Finance Wales networking event was a huge success.

This is available in both English and Welsh language versions below.

Blake Morgan’s Rhian Davies, Banking & Finance Solicitor, and Sara Trevor, Corporate Solicitor, collaborated with young professionals from Deloitte and Lewis Silkin to create a Women in Corporate & Finance networking group.

Blake Morgan’s Cardiff office played host to the inaugural event on 22 February, which saw a large turnout.

The purpose of the group is to network in a safe, relaxed, and unintimidating environment with other women in the sector to assist in career development and business opportunities.

Rhian commented:

From our own experience as young women in the corporate and finance sector, and from discussions with various women in differing roles in the sector, there are very limited groups currently in Cardiff/South Wales area that cater for the development and connecting of women in this typically male dominated sector.

The aim is to be surrounded with like-minded people to provide inspiration and fresh perspectives on career challenges and progression, and bring together and create connections with other women in the sector outside of who you would typically meet.

Sara added: “We want to expand knowledge and learn from one another. Given the fantastic turnout and enthusiasm of the attendees there is clearly a need for an informal space for women in the corporate and finance sector to connect and catch up.”

The aim of Women in Corporate & Finance Wales is to be multi-disciplinary with no restrictions on age, seniority or job roles.

The next event is scheduled to take place in June, hosted by Deloitte. To find out more, please get in touch with Rhian or Sara.

The Women in Corporate & Finance event at Blake Morgan's Cardiff office.

Photos from the networking evening with food provided by Two Fat Cooks.


Roedd digwyddiad rhwydweithio cyntaf Merched yn y Sector Corfforaethol a Chyllid Cymru yn llwyddiant ysgubol.

Bu Rhian Davies, Cyfreithiwr Bancio a Chyllid, a Sara Trevor, Cyfreithiwr Corfforaethol Blake Morgan, yn cydweithio â gweithwyr proffesiynol ifanc o Deloitte a Lewis Silkin i greu grŵp rhwydweithio Merched yn y Sector Corfforaethol a Chyllid.

Cynhaliodd swyddfa Caerdydd Blake Morgan y digwyddiad agoriadol ar 22 Chwefror, lle fynychodd llawer iawn o bobl.

Pwrpas y grŵp yw rhwydweithio mewn amgylchedd ddiogel, hamddenol a chyfeillgar gyda merched eraill yn y sector i gynorthwyo gyda datblygu gyrfaoedd a chyfleoedd busnes.

Dywedodd Rhian:

“O’n profiad ein hunain fel merched ifanc yn y sector corfforaethol a chyllid, ac o drafodaethau ag amrywiol ferched mewn rolau gwahanol yn y sector, ar hyn o bryd dim ond ychydig iawn o grwpiau sydd yn ardal Caerdydd/De Cymru sy’n darparu ar gyfer datblygu a chysylltu merched yn y sector hwn lle mae dynion yn tra-arglwyddiaethu.

Y nod yw cael eich amgylchynu â phobl o’r un anian i roi ysbrydoliaeth a safbwyntiau newydd ar heriau gyrfa a sut i gamu ymlaen mewn gyrfa, yn ogystal ag uno a chreu cysylltiadau â merched eraill yn y sector y tu allan i’r rhai y byddech chi fel arfer yn cwrdd â nhw.”

Ychwanegodd Sara: “Rydym eisiau ehangu gwybodaeth a dysgu oddi wrth ein gilydd. O ystyried y dyrfa fawr a brwdfrydedd y rhai a fu’n bresennol, mae’n amlwg bod angen lle anffurfiol i fenywod yn y sector corfforaethol a chyllid i gysylltu a sgwrsio.”

Nod Merched yn y Sector Corfforaethol a Chyllid Cymru yw bod yn amlddisgyblaethol heb unrhyw gyfyngiadau ar oedran, hynafedd na rolau swyddi.

Deloitte sy’n cynnal y digwyddiad nesaf, sydd wedi’i amserlennu i ddigwydd ym mis Mehefin. I ganfod mwy, cysylltwch â Rhian neu Sara.

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