Private Client Issues – April 2023

6th April 2023

Welcome to this month’s edition of Private Client Issues, Blake Morgan’s monthly round-up of the topics you may find of interest. It features insight and advice on developments affecting private individuals.

Our teams work both from our offices and remotely and are happy to meet with you virtually, or in person where this is preferred. We have found that many clients prefer the convenience of a video meeting, whilst other prefer face to face, particularly for the first meeting.

How to choose the right people for key roles in Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney

When you make a Will, Trust, or Power of Attorney, one of the first things you’ll need to do is appoint an Executor, a Trustee, or an Attorney. Get this right and your best interests will be safeguarded whilst you are alive, with your estate handled correctly and with sensitivity when you’re gone.

Read more about the roles

Hidden assets in divorce

Hiding assets in divorce is a scenario that we see all too often. In any Family law matters, full and accurate information about the extent of each party’s finances is crucial to being able to reach a full and fair settlement. But what can be done if you believe someone is not being completely open?

Read more about how we can help

Confused by Child Inclusive Mediation?

Part of the problem could be in the name Child Inclusive Mediation. Generally speaking, the children are not included in the mediation sessions with their parents but are included in the mediation process.

Read more about Child Inclusive Mediation

Family mediation – a move away from the Courts?

Dominic Raab has suggested that further reforms may be on the way to direct more family law cases into mediation, rather than to the Court. This would mean more investment in mediation.

Read more about potential reforms

Investing in Success: scaling up, launching and exiting a business

In Blake Morgan’s next Investing in Success webinar on 19 April, we are privileged to be joined by Debbie Wosskow OBE, one of the most recognised serial entrepreneurs in the UK, known for successfully launching and scaling businesses.

Sign up for the webinar

If you are impacted by any of the above topics or you would like further information on how we can help you, please contact your usual Blake Morgan adviser.

If you need advice on private wealth issues

Speak to a member of our Private Client Law team

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