Private Client Issues – August 2019

8th August 2019

Welcome to this month’s edition of Private Client Issues, Blake Morgan’s monthly round-up of the topics you may find of interest. Insight and advice on developments affecting private individuals.

A step closer to opposite sex civil partnerships

More than one year after the Supreme Court decided law preventing opposite sex civil partnerships is incompatible with Human Rights, the Government has announced this should be possible by the end of 2019. A six week consultation will also look at giving married people the chance to convert to civil partnerships.

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Leasehold reforms announced by the Government

Our experts provide guidance on how leaseholders can get to grips with their leases and highlights key clauses that should not be ignored.

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Simultaneous Deaths – who died first?

An ongoing High Court case concerning a dispute between step-sisters over which of their parents died first, demonstrates the importance of understanding how assets are held and the way in which they will be distributed upon death.

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Deciphering your residential lease

In June 2019 the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government released a response to year-long enquiries into practices in the leasehold sector. In a 71 page report the Government address a wide range of matters and propose sweeping changes to the way that leasehold property is held.

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Entrepreneurs’ Relief – filling the gap

Discover more about entrepreneurs’ relief, the changes that have been made and what it means to you.

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Another record breaking GDPR fine announced

All business owners, no matter how big or small the company, should take note of the very serious consequences for breach of the GDPR.

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Shared parental pay: where does this leave us now?

Four years ago the coalition government introduced the Shared Parental Leave Scheme (SPL) and billed it as a “game changer” for parents. The aim was to not only increase workplace equality by giving parents the ability to share the caring responsibilities, but also to give women the ability to go back to work earlier. However in light of the concerns raised by the TUC in April 2019 and recent court decisions it could well be said it is game over as parents are simply not taking up the option of SPL.

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If you are impacted by any of the above topics or you would like further information on how we can help you, please contact your usual Blake Morgan adviser.

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