Private Client Issues – May 2022

5th May 2022

Welcome to this month’s edition of Private Client Issues, Blake Morgan’s monthly round-up of the topics you may find of interest. It features insight and advice on developments affecting private individuals.

Following the release of the restrictions, our offices are fully open. Our teams work both from our offices and remotely and remain happy to meet with you virtually, or in person where this is preferred. We have found that many clients prefer the convenience of a video meeting, whilst other prefer face to face, particularly for the first meeting. We are really proud of the way that we have adapted over the last two years.

Why do I need probate?

After someone has died, it will be necessary for their estate to be administered. If the deceased has made a Will, it should state who they want to deal with their affairs. The person or people identified in a Will as the person to administer the estate is known as the Executor(s). Find out why it is good to have probate sorted.

Read more on probate here.

What is advance care planning?

Paula Shea looks at advance care planning, the various options and how to prepare for life-threatening or life-sustaining situations.

Read more on advance care planning here.

The BBC’s The Split – where can a notice to show cause help?

In Episode 2 of The Split, Hannah and Nathan Stern have reached a financial agreement within their divorce, and both of them have signed. Hannah later tears up the signed agreement. Can Nathan hold her to this? Where could a notice to show cause help?

Read more on a notice to show cause here.

The Court of Appeal makes findings about MIAMs

In a recent case in the Court of Appeal the importance of parties attending a mediation information and assessment meeting (MIAM) was stressed.

Read more about MIAMs here.

Applying for a ‘no fault’ divorce online – do I still need a solicitor?

Applying for a divorce has been simplified and there is no requirement to blame your spouse for the relationship breakdown. However, there are certain issues which must be considered.

Read more about applying for a divorce here.


If you are impacted by any of the above topics or you would like further information on how we can help you, please contact your usual Blake Morgan adviser.

If you need advice on private wealth issues

Speak to a member of our Private Client Law team

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