PSA announce plans to introduce a new EDI standard

9th June 2023

The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (‘PSA’) has announced a new enhanced equality, diversity and inclusion (‘EDI’) standard for healthcare regulators and Accredited Registers. The PSA oversee the performance of 10 statutory bodies that regulate health and social care professionals in the UK. It also sets standards for organisations that register people who work in health and social care. If an organisation meets PSA Standards for Accredited Registers, the PSA accredit their register and award them the PSA Quality Mark.

Performance is assessed against the PSA’s Standards of Good Regulation or Standards for Accredited Registers respectively. In April 2022, the PSA published its EDI Action Plan, which committed to reviewing the way it assesses performance of regulators against Standard 3, being that “The regulator understands the diversity of its registrants and their patients and service users and of others who interact with the regulator and ensures that its processes do not impose inappropriate barriers or otherwise disadvantage people with protected characteristics.”

In May 2023, the PSA published an updated evidence framework and guidance for regulators on Standard 3, which outlined its increased expectations for 2023-26. Following a public consultation earlier this year, as set out in our insight article here, the PSA has now confirmed that it will introduce a new EDI Standard to look at how organisations which hold a Register demonstrate their commitment to EDI and ensure their processes do not discriminate unfairly.

The PSA is reviewing minimum requirements of the Standard, but has already clarified that it was not its intention to introduce minimum quotas for classes of registrants, but rather to understand the demographic of the registrants.

How we can help

Blake Morgan has significant expertise in advising on equality, diversity, inclusion, human rights and consultation in the context of professional regulation and accreditation. Our team will be tracking developments over the coming months. If you need advice on compliance with equalities law or have any questions about the planned changes, please contact Eve PiffarettiTrish D’Souza or Clare Strickland.

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