Business debt recovery

Our Commercial Recoveries team is one of the most sophisticated specialist Recoveries teams in the UK. We have established long relationships with our commercial clients.

The profile of our client-base ranges from huge multi-national corporations to not-for-profit organisations to small owner-managed businesses.

Our experience in acting for commercial clients means that we are already aware of the practical implications involved in recovering business debt including the need to take a commercial approach to recovery. We understand the requirement to consider ongoing business relationships and are conscious of costs vs recovery at all times.

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Main Areas Of Practice

We cover the full range of debt work for business recoveries:

Service range

The team acts for a variety of clients. Our client-base ranges from huge multi-national corporations to not-for-profit organisations to small owner-managed businesses. We manage debt work relating to unjust enrichment claims, overpayment of salary/benefits in lieu, utility bills, goods and services in the IT sector, maintenance contracts, school fees and statutory undertaker/negligence claims amongst others.

Case oversight

We focus heavily on maximising our clients' return through early stage review processes to ensure that litigation is effectively deployed in the right circumstances. We provide review and advice services exploring alternatives to litigation. We provide guidance throughout the litigation process and we look for cost effective resolution.


Technology is vital to the delivery of our service. We have an excellent technology base which we invest in and develop. We operate a case management system which can produce comprehensive MI and improve efficiencies, saving costs for our clients. We use call recording software to record and monitor phone calls.

Landlord and tenant

The team provides business recovery for Landlords and Insurers. We act for a large Insurer and a number of individual Landlords in possession claims and post possession debt recovery. We cover all residential rental possession proceedings including drafting Notices.


We understand the need for MI reports as a management tool for our clients. We also understand the importance of the reports being submitted on time. We are able to, and shall be pleased to provide reports to agreed time scales and formats.

Online interfaces

Our data import module allows us to import information electronically into our case management system. We can therefore import large volumes of case data quickly. We can download documents from our client's systems or a secure ftp and provide an online portal to allow our clients to review case progression.

Our Clients

We have a diverse client base acting within the business recovery sector for over 18 years. Our clients include IT companies, private schools, utility companies, ATM providers, recruitment companies, florists, surveyors, solicitors, maintenance companies, and public bodies.


Successful recovery of over £13,000 in school fees, including costs and interest. The recovery came after securing a charge over the deceased customer's interest in a property which was due to be sold imminently; our swift action secured our client's debt.

In respect of an unpaid invoice for solicitor's fees the debtor wanted to avoid a Judgment. Our client wanted security for payment. We negotiated a voluntary charge against the debtor's property and an interim payment arrangement. Upon completion of sale our client received payment in full.

We were instructed to pursue a national company in respect of damage to our client's apparatus. The debtor company had the means to pay but making contact with the appropriate individuals within the business proved difficult. We reviewed the business structure, approached the debtor company for payment and the debt was paid. 

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