Experts in commercial property litigation and dispute resolution
Blake Morgan is an expert commercial property disputes law firm specialising in all aspects of property litigation.
We regularly work alongside our property transaction colleagues to resolve potential real estate disputes before they become contentious and carry out risk assessments for their clients where a potential dispute is apparent as well as conduct litigation in the Courts and Tribunals.
Main Areas Of Practice
Asset management
Our real estate disputes experts strategically advise on all aspects of commercial property which includes opposed and unopposed lease renewals, dilapidations and disrepair, rent reviews, recovery of arrears, early termination of leases by service of break notices, and forfeiture of leases, providing our clients with effective management of their estates as owners or occupiers.
Rights of light and light obstruction notices
Our commercial property disputes lawyers advise developers and landowners regarding compensation payable for loss of light and working, alongside specialist surveyors and insurers. Our team acts and advises on the benefits of registering light obstruction notices to prevent neighbouring landowners obtaining a right to light over your land.
With the introduction of the new Communications Code introduced by the Digital Economy Act 2017, we advise landowners about their rights and control of land and the procedures introduced by the Act where there is a telecommunications operator in situ.
Development, restrictive covenants and overage contract disputes
Whether our commercial property disputes lawyers are working for developers or landowners, we advise about the enforceability of any covenants that affect the land and work alongside our construction colleagues to settle any disputes that may arise about overage payments once a development has been completed.
Insolvency advice to landlords
Unfortunately many tenants experience cash flow difficulties so we work with our landlord clients to put them in the best possible position to prevent rental voids and to secure future rental payments. Such situations require pragmatism, and we often find ourselves advising about a tenant's insolvency including administration or liquidation and the options available to landlords depending on the nature of the insolvency in question.
Our real estate disputes experts advise clients in all types of easement disputes including rights of way, rights to park, rights of access.
Lease disputes
We advise on freehold or new lease disputes in the County Court and First-tier Tribunal where the parties are unable to agree the terms of acquisition of them.
Covenant issues
Our residential disputes experts advise on long lease breach of covenant issues, in particular concerning landlord's right to forfeit for breaches or other remedies.
Anti-Social Behaviour Injunctions
Our specialist sub-team act for several housing associations to provide advice and pursue legal action in relation to anti-social behaviour issues including serious violence, sexual abuse, racism and harassment, drugs and dangerous weapons.
Our Clients
Our commercial property disputes lawyers provide advice and representation to commercial property owners and occupiers including developers, landlords, estate owners, charities, NHS operators, university colleges, corporate clients.
Awards, Accolades and Accreditations
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