Experts in Commissioning, Contracting and Procurement

Blake Morgan is a nationally recognised expert in the commissioning of acute and specialised health services.

Our expert team has an unrivalled experience in the development and implementation of the commissioning, contracting and procurement of a wide range of acute, specialised and community services. We led the national development of new standard contracts for acute NHS services, and we have built on that experience with national work on the commissioning of Specialised and Highly Specialised services.

That expertise is supported by a very experienced Public Procurement team which has devised commercial and effective procurement solutions for commissioning highly complex health services.

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Main Areas Of Practice

Acute Commissioning and Contracting

Blake Morgan has unique experience in developing national contract models for Acute Health Services. We have developed contracting models that support best practice in balancing the need for clear service specifications and performance measures with a focus on patient safety and service improvement.

Specialised Services

We are acknowledged experts in the commissioning of Specialised Services in areas including cardiac, cancer and gene therapy. We have applied our expertise in acute contracting to Specialised and Highly Specialised Services, with complex combinations of advanced treatment drugs, surgery and highly skilled workforce solutions.

Community and Primary Care Services

Blake Morgan has significant experience in the commissioning of Community and Primary Care Services. These services are vital for the delivery of out-of-hospital services and better integration of community and primary care services, which is a key plank of the Long Term Plan.

Diagnostic Services

Blake Morgan has a particular expertise in the commissioning of Diagnostic services. Our experience includes commissioning of the key modalities including Ultra Sound, PET – CT, Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Linacs. We have supported national commissioning of these services and worked with service providers and manufacturers of key equipment.

Related Expertise

Our Clients

Our clients include the whole spectrum of commissioners, local and national service providers, both NHS and independent, and equipment manufacturers.

Increasingly we have been working with groups or alliances of commissioners and providers as services are commissioned at scale.


We acted for NHS England in the first successful defence of a challenge to its policy for the commissioning of these services as part of the national programme for improved access. - National Commissioning of Stereotactic Radiosurgery

As part of a London-wide review and reorganisation of Cardiac and Cancer Services we acted on the transfer and reorganisation of these services providing improved access to them. - Commissioning of Specialised Cardiac and Cancer Services in London

We have acted for several providers from NHS Trusts to Community and Primary Care Social Enterprises on bids and awards of community and primary services including detailed procurement and contracting advice. - Commissioning of Community and Primary Care Services

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BM Insights


Following a formal public consultation, the Welsh Government has laid the Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill (“the Bill”) before the Senedd Cymru for scrutiny. We outline a summary of...

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Are you ready for the change in procurement? To help, we are running a our series of webinars on the subject. In this webinar on Thursday 5 December, the focus...

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What are the social value opportunities under the Procurement Act 2023? We are running a series of webinars on the changes in procurement and in this webinar on Thursday 3...

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Make sure that you are ready for the procurement changes with our series of webinars. In this webinar on Thursday 12 September, we will look at exclusion and debarment in...

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We are delighted to share details of our forthcoming virtual webinar being held on Thursday 18 July 2024 between 10.00 am and 11.00 am.

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The Procurement Act 2023 will go-live on 28 October 2024 and will bring about the biggest transformation to public procurement in a generation, changing the procurement process for public sector...

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