Expert legal advice supporting the development of Integrated Care Systems

Blake Morgan are nationally leading lawyers in the establishment of Integrated Care models including Integrated Care Systems and Integrated Care Partnerships.

Our specialist lawyers have considerable experience of building the legal and governance agreements that are the vital foundation for the joint working and partnerships that underpin successful and sustainable Integrated Care models.

We understand the importance of working with all parties in Integrated Care models to understand their own organisational requirements and then developing Integrated Care models that can include the requirements of all the parties involved to build care models that all stakeholders can support.

Main Areas Of Practice

Joint Working in Integrated Care Models

At Blake Morgan we work with the potential parties developing new Integrated Care models to create outline legal structures like a Memorandum of Understanding or Heads of Agreement that allows them to explore how they might work together and build the trust needed to create Integrated Care models.

Partnerships, Alliances and Joint Working

Parties to Integrated Care models have to develop detailed legal agreements. Our legal experts are experienced in building the detailed legal agreements needed to set out both the key legal issues and the ways of working together which are so important to the success of sustainable Integrated Care models.

Commissioning and delivering Integrated Care

Integrated Care has to deliver improved health and care outcomes by effective commissioning and delivery. Our expert team has tremendous experience of developing effective contract, sub-contract, alliance and joint venture structures to deliver Integrated Care. We combine established health contracting models with wider commercial experience to create robust models for service delivery.

Our Clients

Blake Morgan acts for commissioners and providers developing Integrated Care models. We support STP and now ICS and ICP models as they develop. We have already implemented early full contractual Integrated Care models, including working across primary/community care led systems.


Our expert team acted for Tower Hamlets GP Confederation implementing a Vanguard Integrated Alliance Contract with Barts NHS Trust and East London NHS Foundation Trust. This allowed each provider to contribute their unique skills and resources to deliver a more Integrated Care service.

Our Integrated Care specialists worked in a multi-disciplinary team to develop the governance and organisational structures for creating one of the pioneer mature ICS models including workshops on CCG engagement, new staffing model options and liaison with relevant regulators.

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Following a formal public consultation, the Welsh Government has laid the Health and Social Care (Wales) Bill (“the Bill”) before the Senedd Cymru for scrutiny. We outline a summary of...

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Are you ready for the change in procurement? To help, we are running a our series of webinars on the subject. In this webinar on Thursday 5 December, the focus...

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What are the social value opportunities under the Procurement Act 2023? We are running a series of webinars on the changes in procurement and in this webinar on Thursday 3...

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Make sure that you are ready for the procurement changes with our series of webinars. In this webinar on Thursday 12 September, we will look at exclusion and debarment in...

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We are delighted to share details of our forthcoming virtual webinar being held on Thursday 18 July 2024 between 10.00 am and 11.00 am.

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The Procurement Act 2023 will go-live on 28 October 2024 and will bring about the biggest transformation to public procurement in a generation, changing the procurement process for public sector...

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