Stamp Duty Land Tax experts

specialising in SDLT and Land Transaction Tax

Stamp Duty Land Tax Guides to help you with property transactions

Blake Morgan’s team of Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT in England) and Land Transaction Tax (LTT in Wales) specialists can help you with property transactions.

Our SDLT specialist has produced a series of guides and articles on the 3% surcharge that are designed to help you get to grips with this complex issue.

Stamp Duty Land Tax Guides on the surcharge:

Additional 3% Stamp Duty Land Tax on granny flats and other dwellings

SDLT treatment of properties with self-contained annexes (whether 3% extra applies where multiple dwellings relief is claimed)

SDLT replacement exception and the three year rules

SDLT case study on the replacement exception

SDLT – the expiry of the transitional period on 26th November 2018

SDLT and the military covenant

SDLT: Broker caught out by the replacement exception rules

SDLT surcharge – examples illustrating the effect of changes made on 22 November 2017 and 29 October 2018

SDLT surcharge on additional residential properties: Updated HMRC guidance

Stamp Duty Land Tax: Bewley case on dwelling and residential property

SDLT: Joint borrower, sole proprietor mortgages

SDLT: 20 case studies on the 3% surcharge

Other Stamp Duty Land Tax Guides:

SDLT first timer buyers’ relief

Bank of Mum and Dad: Concessionary Purchases

Bank of Mum and Dad, purchase while at University

Bank of Mum and Dad, helping a child who also will have a commercial mortgage

Multiple dwellings relief for mixed use property

Surrender and regrant of agricultural tenancies

M and M Builders annuity scheme 2019 case

Case Notes on SDLT (covering issues we have been dealing with and topical points)

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Supporting Documents

The SDLT rules around properties with granny flats, annexes or other subsidiary dwellings
Stamp Duty Land Tax: Bewley case study on dwelling and residential property
First time buyers' relief guide
3% surcharge examples explaining the 2017 and 2018 changes
SDLT - the expiry of the transitional period
SDLT guidance review 2020
SDLT guidance review 2017

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Stamp duty land tax (SDLT) for property developers varies, depending on whether the property counts as residential or as non-residential. Different rates of SDLT apply accordingly, and significant amounts of...

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The stamp duty land tax (SDLT) treatment of purchases of mixed use property, such as a building with flats over commercial property, is complicated.  Where there are a number of...

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Welcome to August's edition of the Stamp Duty Land Tax Case Notes from SDLT expert John Shallcross.  As well as a number of guides on line, he is putting on line...

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Reduced rates of stamp duty land tax (SDLT) lasting until 31 March 2021 were announced on 8 July 2020 with immediate effect. The holiday applies to all residential property, whether...

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At Blake Morgan, we often need to bring our expertise with different areas of the law together to recommend the best way to structure a deal. Doing this can save...

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The operation of the rules for the 3% surcharge is complex. One current concern relates to the three year rules. These can apply where someone retained their old home when...

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