Should employers stop work-related messaging?

11th April 2019

This article first appeared in People Management on 10 April 2019.

What are the perils involved for employers where employees use instant messenger applications to discuss work-related matters?

Allowing employees to use their own smartphones, laptops or tablets for work may reduce the employer’s costs of purchasing such items and increase the convenience for employees; however, it comes with a security risk, as well as technical issues when employees leave the business. It is therefore vital for employers who allow employees to use their own devices to have a Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYODP) in place.

A BYODP typically deals with the acceptable use of such devices, information security, privacy and the employer’s right of access, as well as technology support and maintenance costs. Certain aspects of the policy should be stated as contractual – most importantly, the right of the employer to inspect the device during employment and on termination.

To read the full article in People Management click here People Management.

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